v1.0.1 - Initial version featuring only the mobile branch. v1.0.2 - Adding IT&C Information. v1.0.2 - Adding Photo&Video Information. v1.0.3 - Adding Videotutoriale Information. v1.0.4 - Adding Branduri Information. v2.0.0 - Migration to xbmcswift2 v2.0.1 - Using the language atribute in addon.xml - Fixing a parse error in plugin.video.tehnik/resources/language/English/strings.xml: not well-formed (invalid token): line 5, column 27 - Fixing a parse error in plugin.video.tehnik/resources/language/Romanian/strings.xml: not well-formed (invalid token): line 5, column 27 v2.0.2 - Removed en from the language tag from <language>en ro</language> to <language>ro</language> v2.0.3 Changes: - Added a gaming section. - Fixed the image naming. - Content changes: IT: removed Lab501, Now Tech Ro, added Unboxarena. Mobiles: added Voievozii, Gadget.ro and Lab501. Brands: added Asus, Bit Defenter, HP Romania, Nokia, Schrack Technik and Sony. Games: added CreativeMonkeyzArmy, GamaGanda, Gamextv, GamingHD, PGLtv, Tiranianu Gaming and War Arena Gaming. v2.0.4 - Fixing a parse error and adding identities in order to access the Kodi's youtube plugin. - Content changes. v2.0.5 - Content changes: IT: Domo Retail - content changes, Magazinele Flanco - content changes, PC Garage - content changes, added PC Garage TV, added Media Galaxy, removed ProStore, removed NowTechRo. Mobiles: removed The Phone Geeks, removed Voievozii. Brands: Sony - content changes, removed Schrack Technik, added Philips TV Romania. Videotutorials : Added CreativeMonkeyzArmy tutorials. Games: Removed PGLtv, moved CreativeMonkeyzArmy to videotutorials.