Debconf5 DVDs

The video recordings of Debconf5 are
available not only as individual files
but also as video DVDs that can be played in ordinary DVD
players as well as in computers with suitable hardware and
software. They include menus and chapter marks for two-part
Getting the discs
There are 3 ways to get these DVDs:
Order by mail
this order form to buy boxed discs.
Download ISO images
Warning: Mozilla cannot download files larger
than 2GB, except on 64-bit systems; neither can wget. lftp,
Konqueror and cURL should work.
Download the disc images with PAL/SECAM video
or with NTSC video and burn them
yourself. You can also download and print the box cover design.
Build from sources
If you have a lot of CPU time and disk space to spare, and want
to customise the DVDs, you can do so using the debconf5-dvd
build files. However, the official images are built from
high-bit-rate sources that are not available for
download. You can use either those or the downloadable MPEG-1 files.
Different parts of the world use different video standards. If
you want to view the DVDs on a TV, you must choose ones that are
compatible with the standard it uses. This
map shows which standards are used in which countries.
However, if you only intend to play the DVDs on computers, this
is not an issue, and I would recommend you choose the PAL/SECAM
discs because they have slightly higher resolution and can use
MPEG layer 2 audio which is better than Dolby Digital (AC3) at
low bit rates.
These are included in the DVD menus but won't be shown by some
software players.
- Conference organisers
- Jesus Climent
- Fabian Fagerholm
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
- Tero Kuusela
- Holger Levsen
- Margarita Manterola
- Jaakko Niemi
- Martin-Éric Racine
- Andreas Schuldei
- Henning Sprang
- Arto Teräs
- Marcela Tiznado
- Riku Voipio
- Lars Wirzenius
- Gunnar Wolf
- Aschwin van der Woude
- and many more volunteers
- Video team
- Tore S. Bekkedal
- Kalle Böes
- Javier Candeira
- Chris Halls
- Erik Johansson
- Noel Köthe
- Martin Langhoff
- Holger Levsen
- John Lightsey
- Andrew McMillan
- Herman Robak
- Peter de Schrijver
- Henning Sprang
- Logo and banner
- Photos
- DVD authoring and cover design
- Sponsors
- Hewlett-Packard
- Intel
- Nokia
- Linux Magazine
- Linux Aktivaattori
- Movial
- SLX Debian Labs
- Helsinki University of Technology
- Linspire
- NetApp
- VA Linux Systems Japan
- Hostway
- O'Reilly
- Progeny
- Damicon
- Xandros
- Univention
- Linux Information Systems
- Centre for Open Source Software
- Ubuntu
- Ropecon
- Credativ
Audio/video synchronisation was poor in some of the Debian Day
and extra videos. This is fixed in version 1.1.
In version 1.0 the left audio channel is silent in sessions
where the source only has one audio channel. This error was
introduced in the switch from MPEG-1 to AVI sources, and is
fixed in version 1.1.
In a few of the sessions, most noticeably Enrico Zini's "Zen
and the Art of Free Software", both audio and video tracks
skip several times near the beginning of the session. This is
due to an error in copying from the digital video camera to
hard disk and is not a fault in the DVD recording.
Unfortunately the missing periods are not recoverable. In
version 1.1 the first few seconds of "Zen and the Art of Free
Software" were cut, since the talk is more coherent without
In the DebCamp videos from 3rd and 4th of July, glitches
appear briefly in some players. The cause of this has not
yet been determined and so it has not been fixed.
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