Editor's Note: Minutes received 7/23


Reported by Marshall Rose/DBC

Minutes of the Simple Management Protocol (SMP) Framework BOF (SMPFRAME)

The BOF began with a 1-1/2 hour technical presentation by the four SMP
authors.  This was followed by 2 hours of discussion.  The outcome:

  1. The SMP specification will be submitted to Internet-Drafts.

  2. There was strong consensus that a working group should be formed to
     consider SMP as the basis for SNMP version 2.  The Area Director
     was asked to develop a timeline for such an activity.

  3. Work on SNMP Security will be independent from, yet coordinated
     with, the proposed SNMP version 2 Working Group.

If you missed getting a copy of the presentation notes, the PostScript
version is available via anonymous FTP:

                  #1                   #2                  #3
            ----------------    ----------------     ----------------
    host    ics.uci.edu         case.cs.utk.edu      lancaster.andrew.cmu.edu
    area    mrose/isode-smp/    pub/smp/             pub/smp/
    file    smp-bof.ps          smp-bof.ps           smp-bof.ps
      or    smp-bof.ps.Z        smp-bof.ps.Z         smp-bof.ps.Z

You can retrieve either the .ps file (275K) or the compressed .ps file
(75K). In the latter case, be sure to do a binary transfer.


Masuma Ahmed             mxa@sabre.bellcore.com
Steve Alexander          stevea@i88.isc.com
Michael Anello           mike@xlnt.com
David Arneson            arneson@ctron.com
Karl Auerbach            karl@empirical.com
Karen Auerbach           karen@epilogue.com
Robert Austein           sra@epilogue.com
Sam Ayers                s.ayers@sybus.com
Fred Baker               fbaker@acc.com
Jim Barnes               barnes@xylogics.com
William Barns            barns@gateway.mitre.org
Andy Bierman             bierman@davidsys.com
Jonathan Biggar          jon@netlabs.com


Uri Blumenthal           uri@watson.ibm.com
Natan Borshansky         natanb@turisc.timeplex.com
Steve Bostock            steveb@novell.com
David Bridgham           dab@epilogue.com
Jack Brown               jbrown@huachuca-emh8.army.mil
Theodore Brunner         tob@thumper.bellcore.com
Lida Carrier             lida@apple.com
Jeffrey Case             case@cs.utk.edu
John Chang               jrc@uswest.com
Robert Ching             natadm!rching@uunet.uu.net
Chris Chiotasso          chris@artel.com
Richard Colella          colella@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
Robert Cooney            cooney@wnyose.nctsw.navy.mil
Tom Coppeto              tom@mit.edu
Tracy Cox                tacox@sabre.bellcore.com
Stephen Crocker          crocker@tis.com
Dave Cullerot            cullerot@ctron.com
Cathy Cunningham         cmc@microcom.com
James Davin              jrd@ptt.lcs.mit.edu
Michael Davison          davison@cs.utk.edu
Richard desJardins       desjardi@boa.gsfc.nasa.gov
Peter DiCamillo          Peter_DiCamillo@brown.edu
Chas DiFatta             chas@sei.cmu.edu
Michael DiGioia          digioia@interlan.interlan.com
David Engel              david@ods.com
Fred Engel               engel@concord.com
Michael Erlinger         mike@lexcel.com
Roger Fajman             raf@cu.nih.gov
Bill Fardy               fardy@ctron.com
Stefan Fassbender        stf@easi.net
Margaret Forsythe        mrf@ftp.com
Craig Fox                foxcj@network.com
Karen Frisa              karen.frisa@andrew.cmu.edu
Kathryn Fuller           kathryn@codex.com
Kelly Furlong            kelly@kyle.ksc.nasa.gov
Shawn Gallagher          gallagher@quiver.enet.dec.com
Atul Garg                agarg@synoptics.com
Doron Gartner            doron@chipcom.com
David Getchell           getchell@cisco.com
Rob Graham               robert_graham@protools.com
Pria Graves              priag@nsd.3com.com
Simon Hackett            simon@internode.com.au
William Haggerty         haggerty@ctron.com
James Halpin             halpin@turkey.sw.stratus.com
Arturo Heinsen           heinsen_a@msm.cdx.mot.com
Ittai Hershman           ittai@nis.ans.net
Jeff Hughes              jeff@col.hp.com
Erik Huizer              huizer@surfnet.nl
Robin Iddon              axon@cix.compulink.co.uk
Ronald Jacoby            rj@sgi.com
Scott Kaplan             scott@ftp.com
Frank Kastenholz         kasten@ftp.com
David Kaufman
Nick Kawaguchi           mamster@lanai.cs.ucla.edu


James Keller             j.keller@sprint.com
Mark Kepke               mak@cnd.hp.com
Kenneth Key              key@cs.utk.edu
Zbigniew Kielczewski     zbig@eicon.qc.ca
Deidre Kostick           dck2@sabre.bellcore.com
Cheryl Krupczak          cheryl@cc.gatech.edu
Walter Lazear            lazear@gateway.mitre.org
Thomas Lenggenhager      lenggenhager@switch.ch
Nina Lewis               nina@cam.unisys.com
David Lindemulder        dcl@mtung.att.com
Carl Madison             carl@startek.com
Arun Mahajan             axm@proteon.com
Carl Malamud             carl@malamud.com
Kent Malave              kent@chang.austin.ibm.com
Andrew Malis             malis@bbn.com
J. Scott Marcus          smarcus@bbn.com
Kim Mayton               mayton@wg.com
Cindy Mazza
Keith McCloghrie         kzm@hls.com
Vern McGeorge            vern@hpda.cup.hp.com
Thomas McGinty           mcginty_t*corp_m@msm.cdx.mot.com
John McKenna             mckenna@ralvm12.vnet.ibm.com
Donna McMaster           mcmaster@synoptics.com
Shehzad Merchant         merchant@erg.sri.com
Beth Miaoulis            beth@cayman.com
Edwin Mier               mier@tigger.jvnc.net
Douglas Miller           dmm@telebit.com
Kenneth Miller
David Minnich            dwm@fibercom.com
Greg Minshall            minshall@wc.novell.com
Rohit Mital              rm@protools.com
Lynn Monsanto            monsanto@sun.com
Paul Moran               Paul_Moran@3com.com
John Murray              murray@premenos.sf.ca.us
Rina Nathaniel           rina!rnd!rndi@uunet.uu.net
Tom Nisbet               nisbet@tt.com
Bill Norton              wbn@merit.edu
Steven Onishi            sonishi@wellfleet.com
Roger Osmond             bytex!rfo@uunet.uu.net
Bob Page                 bob.page@eng.sun.com
Andrew Patka             apatka@wellfleet.com
John Payne               jop@wang.com
David Perkins            dperkins@synoptics.com
David Piscitello         dave@sabre.bellcore.com
Bill Pope                zpope@osf.org
Mary Quinn               quinn@maui.InterLan.Com
Richard Ramos            ramos@mtunm.att.com
Ed Reeder                EREEDER@ralvm12.vnet.ibm.com
David Reiser             dsr@codex.prds.cdx.mot.com
Bradley Rhoades          bdrhoades@mmc.mmmg.com
Salvatore Ricci          ricci@mtunm.att.com
Anil Rijsinghani         anil@levers.enet.dec.com
Kary Robertson           kr@concord.com
Sam Roberts              sroberts@farallon.com


Guenter Roeck            roeck@conware.de
Dan Romascanu            dan@lannet.com
Marshall Rose            mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us
Jon Saperia              saperia@tcpjon.ogo.dec.com
Michael Sapich           sapich@conware.de
Michael Scanlon          scanlon@interlan.com
Jim Scott                scott@kali.enet.dec.com
Allwyn Sequeira          allwyn@nmu.ub.com
Koichiro Seto            seto@hitachi-cable.co.jp
Robert Shirey            shirey@mitre.org
Timon Sloane             peernet!timon@uunet.uu.net
Michael Slocombe         slocombe@bbn.com
Rajesh Srivastava        rajesh@flash.tandem.com
Michael St.  Johns       stjohns@umd5.umd.edu
Einar Stefferud          stef@nma.com
Louis Steinberg          louiss@vnet.ibm.com
Bob Stewart              rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com
Adam Stolinski
Chris Sullivan           mm@gandalf.ca
Wayne Tackabury          wft@pacersoft.com
Kaj Tesink               kaj@cc.bellcore.com
Rodney Thayer            rodney@world.std.com
Mark Therieau            markt@python.eng.microcom.com
Dean Throop              throop@dg-rtp.dg.com
Chuck Townsend           townsend@ctron.com
Stephen Tsun             snt@nsd.3com.com
Dono van-Mierop          dono_van_mierop@3mail.3com.com
Desikan Venkatrangan     venkat@geoduck.matrix.com
David Waitzman           djw@bbn.com
Steven Waldbusser        waldbusser@andrew.cmu.edu
Jesse Walker             walker@eider.lkg.dec.com
Ray Wasson
James Watt               jamesw@newbridge.com
Gerard White
Walter Wimer             walter.wimer@andrew.cmu.edu
Steven Wong              wong@took.enet.dec.com
Kiho Yum                 kxy@nsd.3com.com
Uwe Zimmerman            metrix!uwe@uunet.uu.net
Joseph Zur               zur@fibhaifa.com
