IPP Extensions BOF (ippext) Minutes IETF 46, Washington DC November 9, 1999 Chaired by: Carl-Uno Manros, Xerox, USA Reported by: Don Wright, Lexmark, USa Participants: Ron Bergman, Digital Products, USA Jacqueline Blanchard, Siemens, Germany Josh Cohen, Microsoft, USA Lee Farrell, Canon, USA Andre Florequin, CNET, France Steve Hanna, Sun, USA Shuji Ishii, NEC, Japan Ryuji Iwazaki, Toshiba, Japan Janet ????, AT&T, USA Cie Kanaide, Toyocom, Japan John Klensin, MCI Worldcom, USA Masahito Komoto, Ohnolab, Japan Keith Lamond, Concert, USA Scott Lawrence, Agranat, USA Jession Little, NTC, US Military Toru Maeda, Canon, Japan Lloyd McIntyre, Xerox, USA Keith Moore, University of Tennessee, USA Kenta Shiga, Hitachi, Japan Richard Shockey, Shockey Consulting Kiyoshi Toyoda, National/Panasonic, Japan Randy Turner, 2Wire, USA Ian Willis, SCO, USA (Apologies for any misspelling of names and guessing wrong at organizations!) Carl-Uno Manros kicked off the meeting at 2:15 PM. Agenda: Review work to date Proposed Extensions Carl-Uno Manros identified 3 areas of potential future activity: 1) IPP Notifications 2) Additional Operations for Operators and Administrators 3) Extensions for Advanced Production Printing Carl-Uno raised a question on IETF's interest in #2 and #3 above. Extensions Notifications: drafts of the notification work were listed and described in some detail several different methods of transporting notifications were identified Drafts are: <draft-ietf-ipp-not-03.txt> <draft-ietf-ipp-not-spec-01.txt> <draft-ietf-ipp-not-http-delivery-00.txt> <draft-ietf-ipp-not-over-snmp-00.txt> Josh Cohen discussed GENA, which is a general notification architecture and is currently an individual I-D. New Operations: draft of the set 2 operations was discussed will be divided into 2 documents, 1 dealing with printer objects and the other dealing with device objects the plan is to be consistent with the Printer MIB Draft is: <draft-ietf-ipp-ops-set2-00.txt> Question: Is there a way to release jobs one at a time? Already provided by IPP and the proposed extensions. Question: What's happening with security on notifications? Could someone send page-by-page notifications to a large e-mail list and therefore spam a large list? Possible and it will have to be addressed. Comment: Does using HTTP open up a security hole on the client? This will have to be addressed. Production Printing: operation and attribute extensions for professional production printing with complex jobs Comment: This kind of extensions is probably outside the scope of interest of the IETF. Keith Moore agreed. The production printing parts will not be part of the charter of the IPP extensions working group. The proposed milestones for IPPEXT were reviewed. Final version of these milestones will be included in the charter. Carl-Uno reviewed where IPP is in general: IPP V/1.0 Experimental RFC Bake-offs, the second held in April 1999 There are a number of products in the market already based on the 1.0 specs The 1.1 Specs were handed to the IESG in the summer; they have not been published as RFCs yet. The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM