Minutes of the IP Performance Metrics WG (ippm) 
Monday, July 15 at 13:00 - 15:00 
CHAIRS: Merike Kaeo <kaeo@merike.com>, Matt Zekauskas <matt@advanced.org> 

Al Morton took notes, which were edited into these minutes by the chairs. 

1. Agenda Bashing 
2. Working Group Milestone Status 
3. IPPM Reporting MIB and Metrics Registry Discussion 
4. Packet Reordering Discussion 
5. One-way Delay Protocol Requirements Discussion 
6. One-way Metrics Applicability Statement 

IETF home page: http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ippm-charter.html 
IPPM home page: http://www.advanced.org/IPPM/ 

3. IPPM Reporting MIB and Metrics Registry Discussion 
-- Emile Stephan 

Emile Stephan presented on the metrics registry and reporting MIB. First, the 
metrics registry document was discussed. The document defines a registry format, 
associating OIDs with IPPM metrics. RMON would like the registry so there are 
unique, common, ways of referencing the IPPM metrics. One issue yet to be 
resolved is how to define new metrics. This draft has a draft tree, where draft 
metrics can be placed to avoid ad-hoc assignment. The names would have to be 
changed when the metrics move into the "rfc" (standardized) branch. Emile is 
also placing metrics from IPPM drafts in the IESG last-call process into the 
standardized portion of the registry. Another issue raised is the metric OID 
length. He is in discussion with SNMP experts on this issue - one home node for 
the IPPM Metrics Registry could allow the metric object identifier to fit in 
exactly 8 bytes. There were no comments from the group on these issues. 

Next, Emile reported on the status of, and outstanding issues with, the 
reporting MIB. The first major issue is with timestamp resolution. His current 
proposal uses timestamps with 250 picosecond resolution. Is that enough for the 
next few years? 

Henk Uijterwaal made the comment that the proposed timestamp looks like it has 
the year 2100 problem - only two digits are displayed. He advocated using 
timestamps from NTP; then have multiple resolutions and all the tools exist for 
conversions. Jon Bennet supported this idea. Emile made a comment that you need 
something that could be used as an index, and you must have GMT not local time. 
You also need something human readable. Henk noted that NTP timestamps are GMT: 
tools exist for human-readable forms (also to convert from GMT to some local 
reference) and that as a 32 bit number it should be a suitable index. Emile will 
look into the issue, and there will be further discussion on the mailing list. 

Next, Emile noted that he added a field for synchronization (is clock 
synchronized or not?). A question from the floor asked about accuracy - Emile 
responded that the accuracy was in the MIB. Measurement management issues were 
raised. Is it useful to have history when one measure was more precise than 
other? Some seemed to agree that this was useful. Emile proposed SNMP over TCP 
as one way to help secure connections, so that you could control the 
measurements; he also made the point that it is important to have measurement 
packet interoperability. Matt Z. made statement that giving Emile feedback on 
control is fine, but it's not what we're doing in the working group. Al Morton 
noted that packet format is exactly what OWAMP is addressing. 

4. Discussion on Packet Reordering 
-- Al Morton 

Al Morton presented status of current draft: it is a combination of the three 
drafts presented at the previous IETF. MLAS needs complete sequence and doesn't 
work if packets are lost, which is problematic, so it is not considered in this 
draft. (MLAS did have good property of identifying how many steps needed to 
restore order; it is just not clear how to apply it). The authors decided on two 
goals: first, determine whether packet order is maintained (and which packets 
are reordered). Second, quantify the extent of change. 

Al outlined the changes yet to be made, the principle one being the use of 
consistent notation. He also went over an extensive example showing the metrics 
in use (one comment was to make sure the examples in the draft show the 
application of all the metrics). Stanislav noted that the vector of arrival 
order in the example shown on the slides was not represented correctly - the 
notation should be fixed. Notation in the example section of the document should 
be checked too. 

Merike asked how many people read draft; about 15 people raised hands. There 
were no other substantive comments from the group. Merike asked people to take 
and further comments to mailing list! 

5. Discussion on One-Way Active Measurements Protocol Requirements -- Stanislav 
see also http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ippm-owdp-04.txt 

Stanislav Shalunov presented the modifications to the OWAMP requirements 
document. In general, there were just textual modifications and small 
clarifications. Stanislav noted that the authors thought it was ready for 
publication. Matt took a rough consensus poll: approximately 5 had read the 
draft, and of those, all thought it should be moved forward. As a check Matt 
asked how many were interested; in the room approximately 10 raised their hands 
(most of the rest appeared to be lurkers). Al asked if the timestamp resolution 
comments from December were taken into account. Stanislav said that the 
timestamp resolution itself does not belong in requirement document. After 
discussion, Al was satisfied, but will reread the draft. Matt said the chairs 
would call for WG last call after the IETF. 

Stanislav then presented the changes in latest protocol draft, as well as 
pending changes. He asked for comments on pending changes before they actually 
go in the next version of the draft. 

A person from the audience (Sharam) asked a general question: why not use ICMP 
time stamps with a reliable return channel? You can then do everything from just 
the source. Stanislav pointed out that in abstract there was no problem with 
ICMP packets (as long as you have synchronized clocks), but you can't use them 
for accurate performance measurement. ICMP is not reliable, not treated like 
other packets in all networks, it may be identifiable, and it needs processing 
time at the responder (which may affect accuracy). With ICMP you can also not 
guarantee that the forward path is the same as the reverse path. The questioner 
mentioned that perhaps there could be some kind of traffic-engineered reverse 
path to "ensure" reliability. 

6. One-Way Metric Applicability Statement -- Henk Uijterwaal 

Finally, Henk Uijterwaal led a discussion of open issues with the one-way metric 
applicability statement draft. He started by noting that the draft should have a 
negative version number - it attempts to lay out the issues, but doesn't provide 
lots of answers. The intent is to use it as a basis for discussion; input is 
especially requested from other operators. 

The first issue was sending rate. Stanislav noted that the rate really depends 
on what you want to measure; looking for delay, one value is appropriate, for 
reordering you would want the rate to match a target application, and for 
capacity you want a much higher rate. He didn't see any single answer. (There 
was a "3% of link capacity discussion, which will be reported in a subsequent 
paragraph.) John Bennett noted that the rate needed might vary by time of day as 
well. Henk agreeded, but noted that bandwidth measurements certainly could swamp 
a link, although it might be appropriate if done infrequently. 

The next issue that generated discussion was packet size. Al Morton and 
Stanislav Shalunov were among the contributors. Again, the size depends on the 
purpose. IPDV requires one packet size, but that's only for a particular 
variation; there's no reason you can't calculate IPDV on different sized packet 

Another issue was test duration. For delays, can do things continuously; for 
bandwidth you need to be careful and the test should be short-term. Al Morton 
noted that how frequently you report intermediate results determines how quickly 
you can act on it. He has a system that does this every 15 minutes, and that 
seems to be a good compromise. There might be some data loss in-between cycles, 
but it is a way to get fairly good coverage with a compromise. 

Another issue is data volume. 3% of link capacity was a figure from questioning 
providers. Note that it is a MAXIMUM over a LONG TERM. We are looking for 
providers that might violently disagree. You might also need to specify a 
distribution instead of just a blanket volume. 

The final issue that generated discussion for this document was security. Henk 
noted that there are potential DDoS problems: any single stream might be 
acceptable, but the total measurements might swamp a single receiver. (For 
situations when there are many senders to one receiver.) Stanislav mentioned 
that any kind of "amplifier" is not acceptable. For OWAMP, we're looking at 
authentication, and if a measurement point doesn't know you, then it will only 
send traffic back to you and not accept traffic from you. 

Finally, a group member asked about packet loss and errors. In the wireless 
area, very interested in loss due to errors instead of loss due to congestion. 
Was there a differentiation with IPPM? If you are looking at the network, you 
often don't have any observability into why a packet was lost. This question 
might be better addressed in tewg; Stanislav noted that the solution is sub-ip, 
so perhaps the measurement should be in sub-ip.