Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange (mile) -------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 2011-12-09 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Kathleen Moriarty <> Brian Trammell <> Security Area Director(s): Stephen Farrell <> Sean Turner <> Security Area Advisor: Sean Turner <> Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange (MILE) working group will develop standards and extensions for the purpose of improving incident information sharing and handling capabilities based on the work developed in the IETF Extended INCident Handling (INCH) working group. The Incident Object Description Exchange Format (IODEF) in RFC5070 and Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) in RFC6045 were developed in the INCH working group by international Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) and industry to meet the needs of a global community interested in sharing, handling, and exchanging incident information. The extensions and guidance created by the MILE working group assists with the daily operations of CSIRTs at an organization, service provider, law enforcement, and at the country level. The application of IODEF and RID to interdomain incident information cooperative exchange and sharing has recently expanded and the need for extensions has become more important. Efforts continue to deploy IODEF and RID, as well as to extend them to support specific use cases covering reporting and mitigation of current threats such as anti-phishing extensions. An incident could be a benign configuration issue, IT incident, an infraction to a service level agreement (SLA), a system compromise, socially engineered phishing attack, or a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, etc. When an incident is detected, the response may include simply filing a report, notification to the source of the incident, a request to a third party for resolution/mitigation, or a request to locate the source. IODEF defines a data representation that provides a standard format for sharing information commonly exchanged about computer security incidents. RID enables the secure exchange of incident related information in an IODEF format providing options for security, privacy, and policy setting. MILE leverages collaboration and sharing experiences with the work developed in the INCH working group which includes the data model detailed in the IODEF, existing extensions to the IODEF for Anti-phishing (RFC5901), and RID (RFC6045, RFC6046) for the secure exchange of information. MILE will also leverage the experience gained in using IODEF and RID in operational contexts. Related work, drafted outside of INCH will also be reviewed and includes RFC5941, Sharing Transaction Fraud Data. The MILE working group provides coordination for these various extension efforts to improve the capabilities for exchanging incident information. MILE has several objectives with the first being a description a subset of IODEF focused on ease of deployment and applicability to current information security data sharing use cases. MILE also describes a generalization of RID for secure exchange of other security-relevant XML formats. MILE produces additional guidance needed for the successful exchange of incident information for new use cases according to policy, security, and privacy requirements. Finally, MILE produces a document template with guidance for defining IODEF extensions to be followed when producing extensions to IODEF as appropriate, for: * labeling incident reports with data protection, data retention, and other policies, regulations, and laws restricting the handling of those reports * referencing structured security information from within incident reports * reporting forensic data generated during an incident investigation (computer or accounting) The WG will produce the following: * An informational document on IODEF Guidance. * A Standards Track document specifying the Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID). * A Standards Track document specifying the transport for RID. * An informational template for extensions to IODEF. * A Standards Track document for IODEF Extensions in IANA XML Registry. * A Standards Track document for IODEF Extension to support structured cybersecurity information. * A Standards Track document for Labeling for data protection, retention, policies, and regulations. * A Standards Track document for GRC Report Exchange. * A Standards Track document for IODEF Extension to support forensics. The drafts under consideration as WG items include: * Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) bis: draft-moriarty-mile-rfc6045-bis-01 * Transport of Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Messages bis: draft-trammell-mile-rfc6046-bis-00 * Template for extensions to IODEF: draft-trammell-mile-template-01.txt * IODEF Extensions in IANA XML Registry: draft-trammell-mile-iodef-xmlreg-00.txt * GRC Report Exchange (Generalized RID for XML reports/documents): draft-moriarty-mile-grc-exchange-00.txt * IODEF-extension to support structured cybersecurity information: draft-takahashi-mile-sci-00.txt Goals and Milestones: Nov 2011 WGLC Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Nov 2011 WGLC Transport for Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Dec 2011 Submit Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document Dec 2011 Submit Transport Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document Dec 2011 WGLC Template for extensions to IODEF Dec 2011 WGLC IODEF Extensions in IANA XML Registry Dec 2011 WGLC IODEF Extension to support structured cybersecurity information Feb 2012 Submit Template for extensions to IODEF to IESG for consideration as Informational document Feb 2012 Submit IODEF Extensions in IANA XML Registry to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document Feb 2012 Submit IODEF Extension to support structured cybersecurity information to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document policies, and regulations Mar 2012 WGLC IODEF Guidance Apr 2012 Submit IODEF Extension Labeling for data protection, retention, policies, and regulations to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document Apr 2012 Submit WGLC IODEF Guidance to IESG for consideration as Informational document May 2012 WGLC GRC Report Exchange Jun 2012 Submit GRC Report Exchange to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document Jun 2012 WGLC Forensics extension Jul 2012 Submit IODEF Forensics extension to IESG for consideration as Standards Track document Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title <Filename> ------ ------- -------------------------------------------- Nov 2011 Jan 2012 <draft-ietf-mile-rfc6045-bis-05.txt> Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Nov 2011 Jan 2012 <draft-ietf-mile-rfc6046-bis-05.txt> Transport of Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Messages over HTTP/ TLS Nov 2011 Nov 2011 <draft-ietf-mile-template-00.txt> Guidelines for Extensions to IODEF for Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange Dec 2011 Dec 2011 <draft-ietf-mile-sci-01.txt> IODEF-extension to support structured cybersecurity information Request For Comments: None to date.