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An Overview of This Manual

An Overview of This Manual

This document is geared to give you additional information to make your installation of Red Hat Linux/Alpha as straightforward as possible. Let's take a quick look at each chapter to help you get acclimated:

Chapter 1, Information Specific to Red Hat Linux/Alpha
contains information necessary to install Red Hat Linux on an Alpha-based computer system.

Chapter 2, Alpha Miniloader Howto
contains in-depth information concerning the MILO miniloader.

Chapter 3, SRM Firmware Howto
describes how the SRM firmware may be used to boot Linux.

Chapter 4, Alpha Howto
contains an overview of the Alpha architecture.

Please Note: While we realize that many people will find the information contained here very useful, please understand that much of it comes from sources outside of Red Hat Software, Inc. Therefore, it may contain descriptions of procedures that are not part of Red Hat Software's installation support for this product. For a description of Red Hat Software's installation support, please refer to the Red Hat Linux Installation Guide, or Red Hat Software's website at

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