Macintosh Angband binaries -- DvEband 1.0.1 This is Dennis van Es' variant of Eric Bock's Angband 2.8.3e. To decompress these binaries, you will probably need Stuffit Expander version 4.5 or later. This precompiled binary distribution includes: dveband-101-mac-68k.sit.bin A 68K binary that will work on most Macs with 68020 processors or better. This file replaces dveband-100-mac-68k.sit.bin dveband-101-mac-ppc.sit.bin A PowerPC native binary which will not work on 68K Macs. This file replaces dveband-100-mac-ppc.sit.bin dveband-101-mac.txt You're reading it now. This file replaces dveband-100-mac.txt -- Prfnoff (ivnert to reply)