OAngband-0.5.1b for PowerMacintosh compiled by pelpel(kazuo@sta.att.ne.jp) On this build I replaced target_dir() in xtra2.c with the bugfixed version found in Angband 2.9.2. As of the time of writing, only Vanilla 2.9.2, KAngband 2.9.2x and EyAngband 0.3.x adopt this change, as far as I know. I assume newest Z dev versions should include this fix, because the bug was found and fixed by none other than the Z Devteam. Anyway, this patch doesn't affect any existing macros, fully compatible with the 2.8.3 macro system used by Vanilla and all major variants that include presumably 2.8.1-based [Z], [Cth] and [Pern], yet allows users of the roguelike keyset like me to keymap otherwise unused number keys (not numbad keys) without any hussle or trouble, as was true in pre-2.8.3 command macros. Hope this helps PowerBook users. You still can't map '0', for obvious reason. I cannot find why the Angband window resist resizing. If you are daring, you can edit "OAngband Preferences" in the preferences folder (you can find it in your system folder), find first couple of lines that say 80 24 and change the values to make them bigger. // pelpel