Files uploaded: oangband-060-mac-osx.sit.bin - PPC, OS X or OS 8.6-- oangband-060-mac-xxx.sit.txt - this file Update #1 (8 February, 2003) - Changed compiler for the OS X (CFM Carbon) port to CodeWarrior Pro 8.3, to fix random crash problems on OS X 10.2. Tested to see it works on 10.2 and 9.x. --- OAngband 0.6.0 for the Macintosh OAngband 0.6.0 by Bahman Rabii This port by pelpel ( oangband-060-mac-68k.sit.bin - 68020+ oangband-060-mac-ppc.sit.bin - PowerMacs with Classic OS (--9.2) oangband-060-mac-osx.sit.bin - OS X or OS 8.6 -- 9.2 with CarbonLib ASCII only, with somewhat outdated sound effects (optional). Please move these files to angband/Variant/OAngband if appropriate.