Macintosh Angband binaries -- Angband 2.8.3h This is Robert Ruehlmann's enhanced version of Angband 2.8.3. For more information, see Thangorodrim: To decompress these binaries, you will probably need Stuffit Expander version 4.5 or later. Support for both 8x8 tiles and Adam Bolt's 16x16 tiles is included (check or uncheck "arg_bolt"). This precompiled binary distribution includes: angband-283h-mac-68k.sit.bin A 68K binary that will work on most Macs with 68020 processors or better. This file supersedes angband-283h-68k.sit.bin angband-283h-mac-ppc.sit.bin A PowerPC native binary which will not work on 68K Macs. This file supersedes angband-283h-ppc.sit.bin angband-283h-mac.txt You're reading it now. -- Prfnoff (ivnert to reply)