*** WARNING: Unangband 0.4.7 versions are unstable, and have not been thoroughly tested. There is at least 1 bug with level generation that will wreck your savefile, by panic saving before the level is generated. This occurs frequently (ie every 3 or 4 levels generated) and I am still debugging this. Having said that, the rest of the improvements are quite fun, if a little cosmetic until friendly monsters are implemented. 26-12-2001 Unangband 0.4.7a Bugfix release - Fixed bug with statues resulting in infinite loops. - Added rock hounds. - Added bottles, cages, figurines, sacks, boxes. - Some internal changes to tval/sval names. 26-12-2001 Unangband 0.4.7 "Silent Night release" - Modified monster drops so that each tval will only be dropped by some types of monsters. - Don't remember all types of floors. Need to get these to color correctly in a future release. - Made brass lanterns orange, like brass monsters, and shards of pottery light umber. - Updated cockroaches to use correct graphic. - Night and mirkwood goblins did too much melee damage. - Fixed bug with reading in inscription preferences. - Fixed bug with filling from stack of lanterns. - Remove duplicated unique eagles in monster list. - Added option to allow more than 255 features in dungeon. Most of the new feature flags are not implemented yet. You'll also need to switch on the new Variant save-file option so that you don't lose the features when you save your game. - Changed rods/spells to use timeouts rather than pvals. All artifacts now charge in pack and floor as well as when wielded. - Added variant_drop_body option to allow monster corpses. Regenerate monsters need their corpse destroyed or they will quickly come back to life. - Added eggs which hatch into monsters after a length of time. - Changed chests to be a floor item and use the '*' graphic. Some of the trapped chests match treasure in wall graphic, but only when trap detected on them. - Renamed stone visages to stone idols. - Faerie lights were way wrong.