A massive party
takes place after a highschool graduation, where all manner of weird
things take place.
Jennifer Love
Hewitt, Ethan Embry. 1998.
in association with..
Films / Can't
Hardly Wait
Hardly Wait takes place right after a High School graduation, where
the rumour runs rife of an after-grad party. The anticipation of drugs,
alcohol and sex amongst the school leavers, and the new found news that
Amanda Beckett (Love Hewitt) is now suddenly single, makes for an interesting
The film
is actually a lot better then the basic premise and indeed the cinema
trailer makes out. It combines humour with romance, common sense with
stupidity, and a few moral issues thrown in for good measure.
The basic
storyline goes like this: Everyone at school is going to an after graduation
party being thrown by the girl with the thighs. Enter the dysfunctional
school goers of:
- Amanda Beckett
(Love Hewitt), the only normal one it seems
- Mike Dexter
(Peter Facinelli), who has just dumped Amanda in the hope he will
get excessive amounts of sex in college
- Preston Meyers
(Ethan Embry), who has wanted the girl that Mike Dexter just dumped
for the last 4 years
- William Lichter
(Charlie Korsmo), who hates Mike for doing stuff like that to the
girl he just dumped, and also for tormenting him for the last 4 years
- Denise Fleming
(Lauren Ambrose), who used to 'date' the guy that has liked the
girl that Mike has just dumped for the past 4 years
- Kenny Fisher
(Seth Green), who used to play with Denise, but now wants to play
with all of the girls including the girl that Mike just dumped as well
any other free agents.
:) Throughout the never-ending party each of these characters interact
with each other on different levels, and really does illustrate to some
degree what happens at parties on a social basis.
The film
showed some interesting filming techniques that you wouldn't normally
attribute to this sort of picture, and also a good opening sequence introducing
all of the characters in an interesting manner.
Love Hewitt played her part quite well, being girl every other girl hated:
because she's beautiful and had Mike Dexter. You don['t see too much of
Love Hewitt in the film as it centred around a few characters, not just
one or two. Overall though, she gave a very good performance, especially
near the end of the film when you see her character in a lot more scope.
the movie was quite well made, and had some quite humorous moments.

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(c) 1998 dangermouse.