appleseed.cover3.gif -- This is one of my favorite paintings by Shirow. Scanned from Intron Depot. "This was a poster insert for the large format edition of _Appleseed Three_. My color perception has always been poor, so rather than embarrass myself by using a lot of color badly, I'm more comfortable doing monochromatic pieces. Actually, I wanted the interior of the transport to be more cramped than it is, but if I did that the fold would have cut across the character's bodies. The reason I didn't put Deunan and Briareos up front and make the painting more dynamic was because I care about all elements of the _Appleseed_ world. You could say that the ratio of my concern for the characters and my concern for the total _Appleseed_ universe is proportional to the surface area each aspect got in this painting." "WARNING: Although I basically trust you, dear readers, I will follow the Islamic dictum 'Trust in Allah, but first tether your sheep' -- in other words, (c). 'Anyone reproducing or leasing all or part of this book without the permission of Shirow Masamune will not only be punished under the law, but cursed by Shirow Masamune. However, this does not apply to individuals who use it for their own pleasure.' They told me I had to write something like this..." Mithradates MacGuges ======================================================================= Discordian at Large Carnegie Mellon University - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -