Doctor Fun presents 1988, Page 68

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If Freddy Kruger was a Valley Girl

"A sudden fall, a broken back, a needless death - all because another dog wanted to be like Snoopy."

"This always cracks me up - watch when Glyxp steps out with the vacuum cleaner."

Life's littlest disasters

"You might have seen me on Letterman, or the Farm Report - I'm the World's Largest Yam."

"Back off! Leave her alone! Drift away! You're all animals! A bunch of ... balloon animals!"

"Ho ho! Your bullets cannot touch me! Why? Because I am the star and I went to the gym more times than you!"

"We encourage people to keep plants in their office, but slime molds are another matter."

A soulful vignette in Cow National Park

Donald tries out his bullshit detector.

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