Science Fair, Intermediate Division, Page Six
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"Do goldfish fart?"
"Aspirin: a wonder cure for rabies?"
"Make your own gunpowder"
"Grow a better dandelion"
"Atomic doorbell"
"The handy weather hat"
"The science of bribery"
"Can phys-ed teachers learn?"
"A dangerous new neurotoxin"
"Can pyramid power preserve a human head?"
"Artificial hearts for canaries"
"Use of radioactive isotopes to produce big hairy spiders"
"Teenage pregnancy in rabbits"
"A practical simple-to-build doomsday bomb"
"The fart mill"
"Cultured belly button lint"
"Do clip-on ties cause throat cancer?"
"Stress reaction in gerbils"
"Number of sharks in the water as a function of number of fat people on the beach"
"Home made atomic pile"
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These pages maintained, and contents copyrighted, by David Farley,