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The U.S. Department of Energy
Computer Incident Advisory Capability
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Understanding Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
June 3, 2008 18:00 GMT Number CIACTech08-003
PROBLEM: Cross-Site Scripting has become an increasingly prevalent
attack vector that can be leveraged to perform a wide range of
compromises. Web site developers need to understand the problem
of cross-site scripting to reduce the likelihood that their
servers will be used to compromise their users.
ABSTRACT: Cross-Site Scripting has become an increasingly prevalent
attack vector that can be leveraged to perform a wide range of
compromises. These compromises can range from simple popup
displays within a user's browser to session and cookie capture
that are used for information and identity theft. As these
attacks become more mature, as well as obscure, it is
imperative that we understand how they happen, how they
propagate, and the ways to prevent them. By understanding the
different vectors of attack and realizing and implementing
simple security measures against them, we can better protect
ourselves and our users now, and in the future.
CIAC BULLETIN: http://www.ciac.org/ciac/techbull/CIACTech08-003.shtml
OTHER LINKS: HTTP Cookies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie
Samy (XSS) Worm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samy_(XSS)
Htmlspecialchars() function:
http://us.php.net/htmlspecialchars Htmlentities()
Function:. http://us3.php.net/htmlentities PHP
mysql_real_escape_string() Function.:
What is SQL Injection?:
http://www.cgisecurity.com/questions/sql.shtml ASCII
Table and Description: http://www.asciitable.com
Disabling Scripts:
NoScript: http://noscript.net/ Gilby Productions.
TinyURL!: http://tinyurl.com/#example
The term Cross-Site Scripting (also known as "XSS") refers to the act of a user
injecting malicious code into a web page in order to perform some sort of
exploit. This term is not to be confused with "CSS", which refers to Cascading
Style Sheets - a completely unrelated topic. XSS exploits the web browser's (as
well as the user's) trust that the current web page they are viewing is
considered to be safe in order to download and/or run the malicious code that
has been embedded within the trusted web page. The effects of this
vulnerability can range from simple information compromise via Cookie retrieval
to complete identity theft via session hijacking, all while being completely
transparent to the end users.
Types of Cross-Site Scripting
There are several XSS attack vectors that are used to run the malicious code.
Each of these vectors is equally potent and allows an attacker to custom tailor
an injection to the specific vulnerabilities found within the web page.
I. DOM-Based
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DOM stands for Document Object Model, a standard set forth by W3C to allow
programs and scripts to dynamically access and modify content within documents.
For HTML, this means that this technique can be used to modify content within
the page, on the fly, based on instructions retrieved from an external source,
such as the end user. Programmers may or may not choose to use this, however
the DOM is actually required by JavaScript in order to successfully
(dynamically) read or write to a web page. It provides the scripts with several
objects such as events, event changes, and variable values, namely the URL,
which it can parse and execute according to its given parameters and values.
The allowance for this dynamic execution of code plays the main role in this
type of XSS attack.
In this attack vector, the problem lies within the local scope of the page's
client-side script. Typically, a malicious user simply appends code to a
variable within a URL string that links to the vulnerable web page. That code
gets executed in line with the valid web page. This type of code can be added
to any URL that links to the vulnerable web page such as a link on another
website or one in an html formatted e-mail message and is usually obfuscated to
hide the appended code. Therefore, by the DOM allowing for retrieval of
variables from the URL, a vulnerable web page will extract and run this
additional code. What the code does is limited by what JavaScript is allowed to
do so a script cannot normally write to disk or memory. However, it does have
access to everything on the web page plus any cookies saved there by the
legitimate site.
For example, let's consider the following example of the HTML code residing on
the server for a web page:
Welcome To Our Safe Site
A safe and typical web page address may look like the following:
Upon interpretation of the above URL by the browser, the DOM supplies the
JavaScript within the web page with the value of the variable "user" in order
to display the message of "Welcome, Bob", all while being completely
transparent to the user. For example, the HTML source after processing this URL
would look as such:
Welcome To Our Safe Site
Welcome, Bob
However, just as this provides much convenience for the programmer, it also
provides an opportunity for attackers to insert their own malicious code to be
interpreted in place of the user's name value. Suppose a malicious user
executed the following URL within the browser:
The DOM sends this "" as the value for
the variable "user_name" and will instead write this code to the HTML page.
This new script is also executed by the web browser, changing the purpose of
this variable's value from simple display to execution. Now, all this script
does is pop up a window with your Cookie information for the site, but it could
be worse. For example, imagine that this web page was the login to your bank
and the script changes the URL to which your login information is sent from the
bank to the intruder's site. This type of exploit allows any JavaScript code to
be run within the page with the local user's permissions and local execution
privileges (i.e. executing the code and extracting information residing on the
local machine) within the limits of what JavaScript is allowed to do.
II. Non-Persistent
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This type of XSS exploit known as "Non-Persistent", or "Reflected", is by far
the most common method found today in the majority of Phishing emails and is
similar to the DOM-based method. It also involves a malicious URL string that
might involve a little social engineering in order to get the user to navigate
to, and execute, it within their browser. However, the malicious code and URL's
involved in these types of attacks are actually submitted to the hosting server
and executed on the server with the server's privileges, as compared to the
DOM-based attacks which are executed locally on the user's system.
These attacks allow for much greater information compromise, as the server
(depending upon what it is hosting) may contain many people's personal
information that could possibly be retrieved. For example, suppose the site
www.safebank.com has a main login page of www.safebank.com/index.php?page=Login
. What this URL tells us is that the website is set up to use the "page"
variable to determine which page you are trying to navigate to, and thus which
page it should display. If the programmer has not properly coded this script to
sanitize the input string (i.e. making sure that the "page" variable you are
sending is actually a valid page), then it could be vulnerable to this type of
In such an instance, let's say the user Alice has an account at SafeBank. She
navigates to the home page and logs in to check her balance for the day. In
doing so, the server creates a Cookie (possibly containing personal
information, but in this case we will simplify it and assume it does not, and
it is used purely for ID purposes) for her and returns it to her system, which
then is stored for later use. Now, as long as Alice does not log out or close
her browser (i.e. as long as she does not invalidate the Cookie, and as long as
it is not expired), every time she navigates to another page within the
website, the Cookie is sent back to the bank's server along with each request
for a new page, proving that she is a valid user and is allowed to navigate
through her personal account without having to enter her login credentials
again. While being incredibly convenient, this acts as the catalyst for a
Non-Persistent XSS attack.
Now, let's assume a malicious user, Ken, knows about this bank's flaw in the
way it retrieves and displays web pages. He can use this knowledge, along with
the fact that Alice's computer contains a valid Cookie, in order to retrieve
personal information about her, and her account, stored on the server. How
would he do that? Well, the prime method for doing so tends to be Phishing
emails. All Ken has to do is send an email to Alice, posing as SafeBank, and
somehow coerce her into the clicking the specially crafted URL contained within
the message. An example email could be as follows:
From: SafeBank
To: Alice
Dear Customer,
SafeBank has recently observed some questionable online activity
within your account. In order to be safe, please click on the following
URL to verify your login credentials and change your password.
This URL looks exactly the same as the one Alice sees when she regularly logs
in to the bank's website. However, within this link, although obfuscated, is
embedded code such as JavaScript. If one simply hovered their mouse over the
link, they would see something more along these lines:
*Note that this code is not often in plain text and is often obfuscated via
some type of encoding so that its construction and purpose are not initially
clear to the user observing it
When Alice clicks on this link, the URL as well as her Cookie is sent to the
bank's server. The server receives the Cookie and determines that she is a
valid user for the system, has already provided the proper login credentials,
and still has a valid session. Now that authentication is taken care of, the
server provides any requested information residing on the server to the web
page. Additionally, since it trusts that the page variable is a valid page, it
processes whatever the variable contains inline with the HTML output to Alice's
screen and executes the embedded JavaScript (this time on the server, not on
Alice's computer) as if Alice had written it herself (because after all, she
did send the request). Now, depending on what the JavaScript code's intention
is, all of her personal information can be retrieved. The JavaScript could
contain code to send all of her person information retained on the bank's
server (such as name, SSN, address, bank account numbers, balances, etc.) back
to a remote server where Ken is just sitting and collecting all of this
information for later (mis)use.
All of this has happened without Alice suspecting a thing. The web page looks
completely legitimate (as it should since it is the actual bank's web page!),
appearing no different than before (due to the fact that the JavaScript code is
invisibly executed on the server). Alice continues using the valid web page to
change her password, never realizing what has occurred.
III. Persistent
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A "Persistent" (also referred to as "Stored" or "Second-Order") XSS attack is
considered to be the most powerful method of compromise. Such an attack doesn't
necessarily need any type of social engineering and has a much longer lifetime
than the others. An attacker simply injects the scripts into a vulnerable
server once and has it propagate and execute in all users' browsers who
retrieve and display the infected page.
Consider the infamous case of the MySpace "Samy" (JS.SpaceHero) XSS Worm. This
is a prime example of a persistent XSS attack. For anyone not familiar, MySpace
is a popular social networking site that allows registered users to post social
information on their web pages, as well as post messages on others' web pages
(in HTML format, nonetheless). In submitting and posting these messages, the
data was not properly sanitized, thus allowing users to include JavaScript and
have it execute upon viewing. This allowed for an incredible chain reaction of
events to ensue.
The code only had to be submitted to one person's page. When anyone viewed the
posted message, the included code executed, grabbed their cookie information
and sent the same code to all of the viewer's friends (which the MySpace server
accepted as valid because it used valid cookies that were extracted from each
person's computer), all the while being completely invisible to the user. Then,
anyone who viewed the messages sent to those friends got infected and so on.
You can see the pattern here. It continued on exponentially until it was
finally caught and quarantined 24 hours later, upon which it had already
propagated to 1 million people.
All it took was one single submission to a website that stored the malicious
code on the server and posted it to anyone (unknowingly) requesting it. The
attack could have easily been much worse. If this user had included code to
steal all of each user's cookies, the attacker could have submitted even more
false (but yet valid to the server) requests to many different sites with these
stolen credentials (known as the method of Cross Site Request Forgery which
will be explained later). This is why this type of attack is the most powerful
of all. There is no need to repetitively hide, submit, and execute code within
a user's local browser window, and best of all, you get an exponential return
on the small amount of code provided.
IV. Cross-Site Request Forgery
- ----------------------------------
In the previous example of "Persistent" XSS attacks, we used the scenario of an
attacker extracting and using logged in users' Cookie credentials to submit
valid requests on their behalf to the hosting server. However, consider the
situation in which a user has logged into their bank account, email account,
and logged in and bought things from various online vendors without ending any
of these sessions (i.e. not logging out). Now, they have Cookies residing on
their system for each of these sites, which allows the user to return to each
one without having to provide login credentials again for a given period of
time, or until they logout and thus erase these Cookies. Suppose the user
decides to log into MySpace now to check his friend's profile, which is hosting
the following "Persistent" XSS code:
Without the user knowing it, their web browser has made a request to a
completely unrelated server (in this case their bank), using their own login
credentials in the Cookie residing on their system (so it's completely valid),
and performed actions that the user has not explicitly verified (transferred
money from their account to the attacker's). This type of attack opens up an
unlimited realm of attack for malicious code. Not only can the code leverage
attacks against the residing server, but also to any other server of their
choosing, provided they know how to formulate a proper request and the
unsuspecting user still has a valid session remaining with the given site
(*Note that this is a non-subtle hint to those who stay logged in to their
email accounts all day and those who don't click the "logout" button once they
are finished with an online transaction or session).
Methods of Protection
Security begins at the programming level. A website is only secure as its code.
Therefore, the code should be the first focus of effort. For example, many
websites are using the PHP and mySQL combination due to its widespread
availability, lack of cost, and ease of use. However, PHP in its default
configuration does not sanitize user input. This responsibility lies solely in
the hands of the programmer. By simply utilizing the methods of
htmlspecialchars()(or htmlentities()) and mysql_real_escape_string(),
programmers can protect against stealthy SQL Injection attacks (which were not
covered in this paper) as well as XSS attacks. These two methods properly
sanitize user input and prevent these attacks from happening by translating
HTML special characters to encoded values that are simply displayed and not
If you recall any given sample of XSS previously described, you will see that
in order for them to be interpreted and executed by a browser, they need to be
in the proper format (as with any code). The format for HTML scripting within a
web page happens to begin with the ""
tag. Therefore, in order for the code to run, it would most likely contain the
HTML special characters of "<", ">", and might contain "(" and ")" for certain
method calls. Without these specific characters, the browser cannot interpret
the text as code and thus cannot execute it. Removing or encoding any small
part of these tags renders the code useless. Therefore, at the very least,
input retrieval and submission from a web page should be coded to have the "<",
">", "(", ")", "'", """, and "&" characters filtered out or HTML encoded to
"<", ">", "(", ")", "'", """, and "&" before being processed by the server.
This invalidates the given XSS samples, converting "