This is the revised version of the OAA Digital Newsletter. You will need both ANIME1B.ZIP and ANIMENGN.ZIP to run the program. When more issues come out you will not need to get ANIMENGN.ZIP since this is a general runtime engine that will work with future versions of the newsletter. some of the upgrades include: 1) The ever popularly requested EXIT button!!! 2) An interactive Timeline (english only, I didn't have time to fix the spanish version) 3) Ability to print the newsletter (english or spanish) from the ... 4) Options menu - toggle sound and language as well as print 5) Credits button 6) Bilingual text! yes you can choose between spanish and english 7) Modules for future issues (one engine to run multiple newsletters Saves space and time in downloading) Hope you like the new version since I will be using it in the next issue. The next issue should be out soon, I begin work on it this weekend. As always for questions, comments and information contact: Bill MacPhee