JUNE 1999 ==================================== ERL Z39.50 Gateway 4.05 Release Notes ==================================== These release notes outline the requirements, installation instructions and known bugs for SilverPlatter's ERL Z39.50 Gateway (v. 4.05). The Gateway is available for UNIX (Solaris and AIX). NOTE: For more documentation, refer to the "ERL Z39.50 Gateway 4.0 Administrator's Guide" (z3950_ag.htm or z3950_ag.txt) in the sproot/z3950/docs directory after you install the gateway. =-=-=-=-= Contents =-=-=-=-= 1. System and Client Requirements 2. Installing the Z39.50 Gateway 3. Known Bugs/Issues 4. Changes since Release 4.0 5. Contacting SilverPlatter Technical Support =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. System and Client Requirements =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * System Requirements: * ERL 2.09.5 or higher * In addition to the basic ERL hardware requirements, you need: * 5 MB hard disk space for Gateway installation * 4 MB RAM for the first four simultaneous users plus 1 MB RAM for each additional user * Client Requirements: * User Authentication: If the ERL server requires a username and password, clients must support User Authentication and send either the open "user/password" or idPass IdAuthentication in the initialization request. If the ERL server uses IP Address checking, you can specify a username and password in the erlsrvr.cfg file. * Attribute Sets: Client must support Bib-1 Attributes or they must be dynamically configured through the Version 3 Explain Database. * Record Syntaxes: Clients must support MARC, SUTRS or GRS.1. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Installing the Z39.50 Gateway =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Installing the Z39.50 Gateway NOTE: You can install the 4.05 version of the Z39.50 Gateway over previous versions. The configuration settings will be retained and used as the default values during installation. To install the Z39.50 Gateway on a UNIX machine: 1. Download the appropriate installation package file to an appropriate directory and uncompress the file. 2. Log in as "root" on your machine. 3. Change to the directory that contains the downloaded installation file. 4. Uncompress the file. Type: uncompress erlz3950v405.tar.Z 5. Untar the file. Type: tar xf erlz3950v405.tar 6. Change to the z3950-install directory and type ./setup to start the installation program. 7. When the SilverPlatter License Agreement appears, press [Enter] to page through the agreement or [Q] to go to the end. To continue the installation process, you must agree to the statement at the end of the license agreement: "Do you accept the above license terms? (y/n) :" 8. Type Y to continue the installation. 9. Type the directory name for the Z39.50 Gateway files, then press [Enter]. 10. Type the TCP port number for the Z39.50 Gateway, then press [Enter]. NOTE: "210" is the standard port number for Z39.50. Test servers commonly use port "2210." You may specify any port. To use a port number below 1024, the Gateway must be run with root privilege. 11. Type the maximum amount of virtual memory (in bytes) you want to allow for each Z39.50 connection (1500000 is the default), then press [Enter]. 12. Type the hostname or IP address of the ERL server you want the Gateway to access. NOTE: If you are installing the Z39.50 Gateway on the ERL server machine, use "localhost" as the hostname. 13. Type the ERL username to be used when building the Explain database (the default is "admin"), then press [Enter]. NOTE: This user should have access to all databases on the server. 14. Type the ERL password for the above ERL username (the default is "admin"), then press [Enter]. 15. The script starts copying files to the installation directory. If erlzbib1.cfg already exists on your machine (from a previous Z39.50 installation), the script asks you if you want to replace it with a new version and save the original as erlzbib1.cfg.bak in the /sproot/z3950 directory. o Type Y to overwrite the file (recommended) and make a backup copy. o Type N to use the existing file. 16. If you are installing the Gateway on the ERL server machine, type the path of the directory that contains /sproot. Otherwise, enter none. 17. The script then asks you if you want the dbserver to automatically rebuild the Explain database. o Type Y if you want the server to automatically rebuild the Explain database whenever the list of available databases changes. o Type N if you do not want the Explain database to rebuild automatically. 18. Type the name of the user who will own the Z39.50 Gateway files ("erl" is default), then press [Enter]. 19. The script then asks you if you want the Gateway to start when the system reboots. o Type Y if you want the Gateway to start automatically. o Type N if you want to start the Gateway manually. 20. The script asks if you want to build an Explain database at this point. o Type Y if you want the an Explain database built now. o Type N if you don't plan to provide an Explain database, or if you want to build the initial Explain database later. 21. The script asks if you want to start the Gateway now. o Type Y if you want the Gateway to start now. o Type N if you want to start the Gateway later. 22. The final installation screen displays the path to the Z39.50 directory and confirms that installation is complete. Once installation is complete, you can test the Gateway using the Z39.50 client of your choice. (Zdemo, a freely distributed Z39.50 client from OCLC, is included in SilverPlatter's Z39.50 Gateway package. See "Sample zdemo Session" for more information.) =-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Known Bugs =-=-=-=-=-=-= * Searches beginning with the "*" wildcard symbol result in inconsistent result sets. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Changes since Release 4.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.05 June 1999: * Resolves problem with repeatable fields not appearing in the 650, 654, and 656 MARC tags for Biological Abstracts records. (Solaris version only) * New line added to the erlsrvr.cfg file that resolves issue of missing data in the index display of records using the NOTIS Z39.50 client: /* Fields that must always be included in Brief records requiredfields = AU,TI,PY 4.01b3 13 November 1998: * Multi-word search terms are treated as unordered phrases, to be consistent with WinSPIRS etc. This avoids problems with authors and subjects that are indexed as bound phrases. * Proximity operations no longer incorrectly add two to the distance. * The Unix unpack directory is z3950-install, to avoid conflicts with the installed software. It is now safe to unpack the distribution in /sproot. * The Unix zdemo source is zdemo-source.tar, which unpacks to zdemo-source, again to avoid conflicts. 4.01b2 30 October 1998: * Fixed a bug that caused multi-word searches to crash or get no results. * Added support for additional truncation attributes: 1 Right truncation Each word in phrase matches all words with that beginning 100 No truncation Actually allows SP wildcards *, ?, $ 101 Process # # matches zero or more charaters 104 Mask with # and ? ? matches zero or more characters (digits after the ? should limit maximum number of characters, we just ignore the digits) # matches any one character * Allow search terms to contain accented characters from ISO Latin-x sets. * Allow multi-server session to proceed if any logins succeed, even if some fail. * InitResponse now contains OtherInformation with an error message from the last login if no logins succeed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Contacting SilverPlatter Technical Support =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you need further assistance with the ERL Z39.50 Gateway software, please send an email to support@silverplatter.com or contact one of SilverPlatter's regional offices: UNITED STATES: SilverPlatter Information, Inc. 100 River Ridge Drive Norwood, MA 02062 Tel: 800-343-0064 781-769-2599 Fax: 781-769-8763 ---------------------------------- LONDON: SilverPlatter Information LTD 10 Barley Mow Passage Chiswick, London W4 4PH England Tel: +44 (0) 181 585 6400 Fax: +44 (0) 181 585 6640 ---------------------------------- AMSTERDAM: SilverPlatter Information BV Nieuwe Herengracht 49 1011 RN Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 20 6259650 Fax: +31 (0) 20 6237408 ---------------------------------- BERLIN: SilverPlatter Information GmbH Uhlandstrasse 15 D-10623 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30-315-2161 Fax: +49 30-315-2162 ----------------------------------