system environment/libraries
- agents-common - emi.fts.agents-common
- config-service - emi.fts.config-service
- delegation-api-c - emi.fts.delegation-api-c
- delegation-cli - emi.fts.delegation-cli
- emi-version - EMI 2 update 13
- glite-jobid-api-c - C library handling gLite jobid
- glite-jobid-api-java - JAVA implementation of handling gLite jobid
- glite-lb-client - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping client library and CLI tools
- glite-lb-client-java - JAVA implementation of the L&B service client
- glite-lb-common - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping common headers and library
- glite-lb-state-machine - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping state machine
- glite-lbjp-common-db - Database engine abstraction wrapper used in L&B and JP services
- glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin - Plugin for gSoap to use glite-security-gss as the communication layer
- glite-lbjp-common-gss - Wrapper of Globus GSS/SSL implementation used by gLite LB and JP
- glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface - Public API to JP service internal interface
- glite-lbjp-common-log - Definitions of glite common logging formats for LB and JP
- glite-lbjp-common-maildir - Single-purpose implementation of maildir-like queue
- glite-lbjp-common-server-bones - Skeleton of multi-process network server
- glite-lbjp-common-trio - Standalone extended implementation of printf and scanf
- glite-px-proxyrenewal-libs - glite-px-proxyrenewal renews existing proxy certificates for grid users
- glite-wms-configuration - Configuration module for the Workload Management System
- glite-yaim-wms - WMS module for YAIM
- lcgdm-libs - LHC Computing Grid Data Management common libraries
- msg-ifce - Monitoring using messaging.
- nordugrid-arc-arex - ARC Remote EXecution service
- nordugrid-arc-aris - ARC LDAP information service
- nordugrid-arc-cache-service - ARC cache service
- nordugrid-arc-datadelivery-service - ARC data delivery service
- nordugrid-arc-egiis - ARC EGIIS service
- nordugrid-arc-hed - ARC Hosting Environment Daemon
- nordugrid-arc-ldap-monitor - ARC LDAP monitor service
- nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus - ARC Globus plugins
- nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed - ARC base plugins
- nordugrid-arc-ws-monitor - ARC WS monitor service
- sd2cache - emi.fts.sd2cache
- srm-api-c - emi.fts.srm-api-c
- util-c - emi.fts.util-c
- voms - The Virtual Organisation Membership Service C++ APIs
- voms-api-java - The Virtual Organisation Membership Service Java APIs