- cleanup-grid-accounts - clean up temporary files of grid accounts
- dmlite-plugins-oracle - Oracle plugin for dmlite
- dpm-copy-server-oracle - DPM copy server with Oracle database back-end
- dpm-name-server-oracle - DPM name server with Oracle database back-end
- dpm-server-oracle - Disk Pool Manager (DPM) server with Oracle database back-end
- dpm-srm-server-oracle - DPM SRM server with Oracle database back-end
- dpm-yaim - YAIM configuration scripts for DPM Head and Disk nodes
- dynsched-generic - Tool calculating information related to grid job scheduling
- emi-dpm_disk - EMI DPM Disk Node
- emi-dpm_mysql - EMI DPM Head Node (MySQL)
- emi-dpm_oracle - EMI DPM Head Node (Oracle)
- emi-emir - EMIR Server
- emi-lfc_mysql - EMI LFC (MySQL)
- emi-lfc_oracle - EMI LFC (Oracle)
- emi-ui - EMI UI meta-packages
- emi-wn - EMI WN meta-packages
- glite-ce-blahp - Batch Local ASCII Helper Protocol suite
- glite-ce-cream - Computing Resource Execution And Management service
- glite-ce-cream-cli - Commands for accessing the CREAM service
- glite-ce-cream-core - Common classes for CREAM services
- glite-ce-cream-es - The gLite implementation of EMI Execution Service
- glite-ce-monitor-cli - Commands for accessing the CE monitor service
- glite-wms-ice - Integrated CREAM Environment
- glite-wms-jobsubmission - Condor-G connector for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-manager - Core logic for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-wmproxy - Workload Management Proxy service
- gridsite-commands - HTTP(S) read/write client and other GridSite commands
- gridsite-gsexec - gsexec binary for the Apache HTTP server
- gridsite-service-clients - GridSite WS htproxyput
- gridsite-slashgrid - slashgrid daemon
- lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-pbs - Plugins for the lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler GIP plugin
- lcgutils-testing - Testing environment for lcg-utils
- lfc-server-oracle - LCG File Catalog (LFC) server with Oracle database back-end
- lfc-yaim - YAIM configuration scripts for the LCG File Catalog (LFC)
- nagios-plugins-lcgdm - Nagios probes to be run remotely against DPM / LFC nodes
- nordugrid-arc-ca-utils - NorduGrid authentication tools
- nordugrid-arc-client - ARC command line interface
- nordugrid-arc-client-tools - NorduGrid ARC Client meta-package
- nordugrid-arc-compute-element - NorduGrid ARC Compute element meta-package
- nordugrid-arc-gridmap-utils - NorduGrid authorization tools
- nordugrid-arc-information-index - NorduGrid ARC Information index meta-package
- semsg - Set of clients to interact with the storage and catalog sync
- semsg-devel - Development headers and libraries for semsg
- semsg-libs - Libraries for synchronization between storage and catalogs
- semsg-server - Server daemon to run in a semsg infrastructure
- unicore-hila-emi-es - UNICORE HiLA implementation for EMI ES
- unicore-hila-gridftp - UNICORE HiLA implementation for GridFTP
- unicore-hila-shell - UNICORE 6 HiLA Grid Shell
- unicore-hila-unicore6 - UNICORE HiLA implementation for UNICORE 6
- voms-clients - Virtual Organization Membership Service Clients
- voms-server - Virtual Organization Membership Service Server