
glite-ce-blahp - Batch Local ASCII Helper Protocol suite

License: Apache Software License
Vendor: EMI
The BLAHP daemon is a light component accepting commands to manage jobs
on different Local Resources Management Systems


glite-ce-blahp-1.20.4-1.x86_64 [678 KiB] Changelog by prelz (2012-12-28):
Attempt to build a spec template that can work with both the CPack
  RPM generator and UseRPMTools.cmake
glite-ce-blahp-1.20.3-1.x86_64 [677 KiB] Changelog by prelz (2012-12-28):
Attempt to build a spec template that can work with both the CPack
  RPM generator and UseRPMTools.cmake
glite-ce-blahp-1.20.2-1.x86_64 [677 KiB] Changelog by prelz (2012-12-28):
Attempt to build a spec template that can work with both the CPack
  RPM generator and UseRPMTools.cmake
glite-ce-blahp-1.20.1-1.sl6.x86_64 [330 KiB] Changelog by CREAM group (2012-08-31):
- New major release
glite-ce-blahp-1.20.0-1.sl6.x86_64 [330 KiB] Changelog by CREAM group (2012-08-31):
- New major release

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5