This is the complete list of members for getfem::im_data, including all inherited members.
context_check() const | getfem::context_dependencies | inline |
convex_index(bool use_filter=false) const | getfem::im_data | |
extend_vector(const VECT &V1, VECT &V2) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
filtered_convex_index() const | getfem::im_data | inline |
filtered_index_of_first_point(size_type cv, short_type f=short_type(-1)) const | getfem::im_data | |
filtered_index_of_point(size_type cv, size_type i) const | getfem::im_data | |
filtered_region() const | getfem::im_data | inline |
get_matrix(const VECT &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, MAT &M, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
get_tensor(const VECT &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, TENSOR &T, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
get_value(const VECT &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
get_vector(const VECT1 &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, VECT2 &V2, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
im_data(const mesh_im &mim_, bgeot::multi_index tensor_size, size_type filtered_region_=size_type(-1), bgeot::multi_index actual_tensor_size={}) | getfem::im_data | |
im_data(const mesh_im &mim_, size_type filtered_region_=size_type(-1)) | getfem::im_data | |
index_of_first_point(size_type cv, short_type f=short_type(-1), bool use_filter=false) const | getfem::im_data | |
index_of_point(size_type cv, size_type i, bool use_filter=false) const | getfem::im_data | |
linked_mesh() const | getfem::im_data | inline |
linked_mesh_im() const | getfem::im_data | inline |
nb_faces_of_element(size_type cv) const | getfem::im_data | |
nb_filtered_index() const | getfem::im_data | inline |
nb_filtered_points_of_element(size_type cv) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
nb_filtered_points_of_element(size_type cv, short_type f) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
nb_index(bool use_filter=false) const | getfem::im_data | |
nb_points_of_element(size_type cv, bool use_filter=false) const | getfem::im_data | |
nb_points_of_element(size_type cv, short_type f, bool use_filter=false) const | getfem::im_data | |
nb_tensor_elem() const | getfem::im_data | |
operator const mesh_im &() const | getfem::im_data | inline |
reduce_vector(const VECT &V1, VECT &V2) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
set_matrix(VECT &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, const MAT &M, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
set_region(size_type region) | getfem::im_data | |
set_tensor(VECT &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, const TENSOR &T, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
set_value(VECT &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
set_vector(VECT1 &V1, size_type cv, size_type i, const VECT2 &V2, bool use_filter=true) const | getfem::im_data | inline |
update_from_context() const | getfem::im_data | virtual |