The jmlr class is for articles that need to be formatted according to the Journal of Machine Learning Research style. This class is based on the jmlr2e and jmlrwcp2e packages but has been adapted to enable it to work better with the combine class to collate the articles into a book. §3 Guidelines for Article Authors describes how to use the jmlr class.
The jmlrbook class is for combining JMLR articles into a book. This class uses combine and hyperref, which are troublesome enough on their own but together are quite fragile. The jmlrbook class redefines some internals to get combine and hyperref to work together but some packages (e.g. subfig and pdfpages) are likely to mess everything up and cause errors. This is why the guidelines to authors are fairly stringent and why jmlr will give an error message if certain packages are loaded.1 The jmlrbook class works best with PDFLATEX so authors should ensure that their articles can compile with PDFLATEX. §4 Guidelines for Production Editors describes how to use the jmlrbook class.
The makejmlrbook Perl script can be used to make a book that uses the jmlrbook class. In addition to creating the print and online versions of the book, it will compile the individual articles, running BibTEX where necessary, and create a set of HTML files containing a list of all the articles imported into the book along with links to the abstracts and PDFs of the individual articles. §4.6 Creating the Book Using makejmlrbook describes how to use the makejmlrbook application.
The jmlr class is based on the scrartcl class and loads the following packages: amsmath, amssymb, natbib, url, graphicx and algorithm2e, hyperref, nameref and xkeyval. Note that unlike the jmlr2e and jmlrwcp2e packages, this class file does not load the obsolete epsfig package.
The jmlrbook class additionally loads the combine class and the following packages: combnat, setspace and fink.
The makejmlrbook script requires Perl, TEX and TEX4ht.
Article authors should use the jmlr class. This class comes with example files jmlr-sample.tex and jmlrwcp-sample.tex, which can be used as templates.
The following class options are available:
The jmlr class uses different syntax from jmlr2e and jmlrwcp2e to specify the title information. In particular, it doesn’t define \jmlrheading and \ShortHeading. Instead, the following commands should be used:
This specifies the volume number. For example:
This specifies the year. For example:
This specifies the submission date.
This specifies the publication date.
This specifies the workshop title (for use with the wcp class option).
The title information is specified using the commands described below. These commands should typically go in the preamble. As with most class files, The title itself is produced using
This command should go after \begin{document}. For example:
Before \maketitle, you must specify the title information using the following commands:
This specifies the article’s title. A short title for the page header can be supplied via the optional argument ⟨short title⟩.
This specifies the editor’s name. If there is more than one editor, use:
This specifies the author. The specifications ⟨author specs⟩ are a bit different to jmlr2e and jmlrwcp2e. Use
to specify the author’s name. Note that if the surname contains a space it must be grouped (enclosed in braces {}). Similarly if the initial letter of each forename is a diacritic it must be grouped. (See below for examples.)
This specifies the author’s email address. It should only be used within the argument to \author.
This should be used to separate two authors with the same address.
This should be used to separate authors with different addresses.
This should be used before an author’s address or between authors with the same address where there are more that two authors.
This should be used at the start of the address.
In this example, the second author has a space in his surname so the surname needs to be grouped.
In this example, the third author has an accent on her forename initials so grouping is required.
Use the LATEX2ε font changing commands, such as \bfseries or \textbf{⟨text⟩}, rather than the obsolete LATEX2.09 commands, such as \bf.
This will typeset ⟨address⟩ in a typewriter font. Special characters, such as ~, are correctly displayed. Example:
This will typeset the given email address in a typewriter font. Note that this is not the same as \Email, which should only be used in the argument of \author.
The abstract text should be displayed using the abstract environment.
The keywords should be displayed using the keywords environment.
This displays the acknowledgements.
Section titles are created using \section. The heading is automatically numbered and can be cross-referenced using \label and \ref. Unnumbered sections can be produced using:
Sub-section titles are created using \subsection. Unnumbered sub-sections can be produced using:
Sub-sub-section titles are created using \subsubsection. Unnumbered sub-sub-sections can be produced using:
Further sectioning levels can be obtained using \paragraph and \subparagraph, but these are unnumbered with running heads.
Use \appendix to switch to the appendices. This changes \section to produce an appendix. Example:
The jmlr class automatically loads natbib and sets the bibliography style to plainnat. References should be stored in a .bib file.
This displays the bibliography.
Use \citep for a parenthetical citation.
Use \citet for a textual citation.
See the natbib documentation for further details.
Floats, such as figures, tables and algorithms, are moving objects and are supposed to float to the nearest convenient location. Please don’t force them to go in a particular place. In general it’s best to use the htbp specifier and don’t put the float in the middle of a paragraph (that is, make sure there’s a paragraph break above and below the float). Floats are supposed to have a little extra space above and below them to make them stand out from the rest of the text. This extra space is put in automatically and shouldn’t need modifying.
To ensure consistency, please don’t try changing the format of the caption by doing something like:
You can, of course, change the font for individual words or phrases. For example:
The jmlr class provides the following command for displaying the contents of a figure or table:
This ensures that the caption is correctly positioned and that the contents are centered. For example:
The jmlr class automatically loads graphicx which defines:
where ⟨options⟩ is a comma-separated list of options.
For example, suppose you have an image called mypic.png in a subdirectory called images:
Note that you shouldn’t specify the file extension when including the image. It’s helpful if you can also provide a grayscale version of color images. This should be labeled as the color image but with -gray immediately before the extension. (The extension need not be the same as that of the color image.) For example, if you have an image called mypic.pdf, the grayscale can be called mypic-gray.pdf, mypic-gray.png or mypic-gray.jpg. See §3.11 Color vs Grayscale for further details.
If your image file is made up of LATEX code (e.g. tikz commands) the file can be included using \includeteximage. The optional argument is a key=value comma-separated list where the keys are a subset of those provided by \includegraphics. The main keys are: width, height, scale and angle.
The subfig package causes a problem for jmlrbook so the jmlr class will give an error if it is used. Therefore the jmlr class provides its own commands for including sub-figures and sub-tables.
This makes a sub-figure where ⟨contents⟩ denotes the contents of the sub-figure. This should also include the \label. The first optional argument ⟨title⟩ indicates a caption for the sub-figure. By default, the sub-figures are aligned at the base. This can be changed with the second optional argument ⟨valign⟩, which may be one of: t (top), c (centred) or b (base).
For example, suppose there are two images files, mypic1.png and mypic2.png, in the subdirectory images. Then they can be included as sub-figures as follows:
This is an analogous command for sub-tables. The default value for ⟨valign⟩ is t.
Enumerated textual algorithms can be displayed using the algorithm environment. Within this environment, use \caption to set the caption (and \label to cross-reference it). Within the body of the environment you can use the enumerate environment.
If you want to have nested enumerate environments but you want to keep the same numbering throughout the algorithm, you can use the enumerate* environment, provided by the jmlr class. For example:
Pseudo code can be displayed using the algorithm2e environment, provided by the algorithm2e package, which is automatically loaded. For example:
See the algorithm2e documentation for more details.
In addition to the standard description environment, the jmlr class also provides the altdescription environment. This has an argument that should be the widest label used in the list. For example:
The jmlr class provides the following theorem-like environments: theorem, example, lemma, proposition, remark, corollary, definition, conjecture and axiom. Within the body of those environments, you can use the proof environment to display the proof if need be. The theorem-like environments all take an optional argument, which gives the environment a title. For example:
Always use \label when cross-referencing, rather than writing the number explicitly. The jmlr class provides some convenience commands to assist referencing. These commands, described below, can all take a comma-separated list of labels.
Used to refer to a section or sections. For example, if you defined a section as follows:
you can refer to it as follows:
This command may also be used for sub-sections and sub-sub-sections.
Used to refer to an appendix or multiple appendices.
Used to refer to an equation or multiple equations.
Used to refer to a table or multiple tables. This can also be used for sub-tables where the main table number is also required.
Used to refer to sub-tables without the main table number, e.g. (a) or (b).
Used to refer to a figure or multiple figures. This can also be used for sub-figures where the main figure number is also required, e.g. 2(a) or 4(b).
Used to refer to sub-figures without the main figure number, e.g. (a) or (b).
Used to refer to an algorithm or multiple algorithms.
Used to refer to a theorem or multiple theorems.
Used to refer to a lemma or multiple lemmas.
Used to refer to a remark or multiple remarks.
Used to refer to a corollary or multiple corollaries.
Used to refer to a definition or multiple definitions.
Used to refer to a conjecture or multiple conjectures.
Used to refer to an axiom or multiple axioms.
Used to refer to an example or multiple examples.
The jmlr class loads the amsmath package so you can use any of the commands and environments defined in that package. A brief summary of some of the more common commands and environments is provided here. See the amsmath documentation for further details.
In addition to the commands provided by amsmath, the jmlr class also provides the \set command which can be used to typeset a set. For example:
Unnumbered single-line equations should be displayed using \[ and \]. For example:
Numbered single-line equations should be displayed using the equation environment. For example:
Multi-lined numbered equations should be displayed using the align environment. For example:
Unnumbered multi-lined equations should be displayed using the align* environment. For example:
If you want to mix numbered with unnumbered lines use the align environment and suppress unwanted line numbers with \nonumber. For example:
An equation that is too long to fit on a single line can be displayed using the split environment.
Text can be embedded in an equation using \text{⟨text⟩} or you can use \intertext{⟨text⟩} to interupt a multi-line environment such as align.
Predefined operator names are listed in table 1. For additional operators, either use
for example
or declare it with
for example
and then use this new command:
If you want limits that go above and below the operator (like \sum) use the starred versions (\operatorname* or \DeclareMathOperator*).
\arccos | arccos | \deg | deg | \lg | lg | \projlim | projlim |
\arcsin | arcsin | \det | det | \lim | lim | \sec | sec |
\arctan | arctan | \dim | dim | \liminf | liminf | \sin | sin |
\arg | arg | \exp | exp | \limsup | limsup | \sinh | sinh |
\cos | cos | \gcd | gcd | \ln | ln | \sup | sup |
\cosh | cosh | \hom | hom | \log | log | \tan | tan |
\cot | cot | \inf | inf | \max | max | \tanh | tanh |
\coth | coth | \injlim | injlim | \min | min | ||
\csc | csc | \ker | ker | \Pr | Pr |
\varlimsup | ![]() | \varinjlim | ![]() |
\varliminf | ![]() | \varprojlim | ![]() |
It’s helpful if authors supply grayscale versions of their articles in the event that the article is to be incorporated into a black and white printed book. With external PDF, PNG or JPG graphic files, you just need to supply a grayscale version of the file. For example, if the file is called myimage.png, then the gray version should be myimage-gray.png or myimage-gray.pdf or myimage-gray.jpg. You don’t need to modify your code. The jmlr class checks for the existence of the grayscale version if it is print mode (provided you have used \includegraphics and haven’t specified the file extension).
You can use \ifprint to determine which mode you are in. For example:
Another example:
You can use the class option gray to see how the document will appear in gray scale mode.
The xcolor class is loaded with the x11names option, so you can use any of the x11 predefined colors (listed in the xcolor documentation).
If you have a LATEX query, the first place to go to is the UK TUG FAQ.
If you are unfamiliar or just getting started with LATEX, there’s a list of on-line introductions to LATEX at:
There are also forums, mailing lists and newsgroups. For example, the LATEX Community (, the texhax mailing list ( and comp.text.tex (archives available at
Documentation for packages or classes can be found using the texdoc application. For example:
Alternatively, you can go to⟨name⟩ where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the package. For example:
For a general guide to preparing papers (regardless of whether you are using LATEX or a word processor), see Kate L. Turabian, “A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations”, The University of Chicago Press, 1996.
The jmlrbook class can be used to combine articles that use the jmlr document class into a book. The following sample files are provided: paper1/paper1.tex, paper2/paper2.tex, paper3/paper3.tex, jmlr-sample.tex, jmlrwcp-sample.tex, jmlrbook-sample.tex and proceedings-sample.tex. All but the last two are articles using the jmlr class. The last two (jmlrbook-sample.tex and proceedings-sample.tex) uses the jmlrbook class file to combine the articles into a book. Note that no modifications are needed to the files using the jmlr class when they are imported into the book. They can either be compiled as stand-alone articles or with the entire book.
Before you compile the book, make sure that all the articles compile as stand-alone documents (and run BibTEX where necessary). You can use the makejmlrbook Perl script to compile the book and create associated HTML files. See §4.6 Creating the Book Using makejmlrbook for details.
If the book has a mixture of JMLR and JMLR WCP articles, you can switch between them using
Alternatively, you can set the name of the journal or conference proceedings using:
Any packages that the imported articles load (which aren’t automatically loaded by jmlr) must be loaded in the book’s preamble. For example, if one or more of the articles load the siunitx package, this package must be loaded in the book.
Commands that are defined in the imported articles will be local to that article unless they have been globally defined using \gdef or \global. Since most authors use \newcommand and \newenvironment (or \renewcommand and \renewenvironment) this shouldn’t cause a conflict if more that one article has defined the same command or environment. For example, in the sample files supplied, both paper1/paper1.tex and paper2/paper2.tex have defined the command \samplecommand using \newcommand. As long as this command isn’t also defined in the book, there won’t be a conflict.
In the book preamble, \title sets the book title and the optional argument is used for the PDF title, which will be displayed when the reader views the PDF file’s properties in their PDF viewer. (Note that in the imported articles, \title sets the article’s title and the optional argument sets the short title for the page header and table of contents.)
In the book preamble, \author sets the book’s author (or editor) and the optional argument is used for the PDF author, which will be displayed when the reader views the PDF file’s properties in their PDF viewer. (Note that in the imported articles, \author sets the article’s author and the optional argument sets the short author list for the page header.)
This command sets the book’s volume number. Omit if the book has no volume number.
This command sets the book’s subtitle. Omit if the book has no sub-title.
This sets the book’s title image. Use \includegraphics and omit the file extension. If you provide a grayscale version as well as a color version, the grayscale version will be used for the print version of the book. (See §3.11 Color vs Grayscale for further details.)
This can be used to set the name of the editorial team. This command may be omitted if not required.
This command may be used to name the production editor. The command may be omitted if not required.
See §4.4 Altering the Layout of the Main Title Page for details on how to modify the layout of the title page.
All commands that are provided by the jmlr class are also available with the jmlrbook class, but some commands might behave differently depending on whether they are in the main part of the book or within the imported articles.
In the main part of the book you can use the following commands:
This displays the book’s title page. Note that \maketitle has a different effect when used in imported articles.
Use this command at the start of the front matter (e.g. before the foreword or preface). This will make chapters unnumbered even if you use \chapter instead of \chapter*. It also sets the page style and sets the page numbering to lower case Roman numerals.
This environment may be used by the author signing off at the end of a chapter such as the foreword. Within the environment use:
for the author’s details. More than one \Author should be used if there is more than one author. Example:
This environment may be used to typeset the preface. This starts a new chapter using
\prefacename where \prefacename defaults to “Preface”. This environment should typically go in the front matter and is provided to allow makejmlrbook create a standalone document for the preface. The optional argument is the filename (without any extension or path) that will be used by makejmlrbook. This defaults to preface but, to conform with JMLR guidelines, should be changed to the surname of the first author (editor) followed by the final two digits of the year. See the JMLR website for further details of the guidelines.
This environment may be used by the editorial team when signing off a chapter such as the preface. If the optional argument is omitted, “The Editorial Team” is used. If you are using the preface environment described above, the signoff environment must go inside the preface environment.
Within the signoff environment use:
for each editor. Example:
This command displays the book’s table of contents. Note that it has a different effect if used in an imported article.
Use this command to switch to the book’s main matter. This will switch the chapter numbering back on, reset the page numbering to Arabic and set up the main page style.
If used in the main part of the book, this command will start a new part and issue a clear double page. Note that this command has a different effect if used in an imported article.
This adds ⟨title⟩ to the table of contents, issues a clear double page, but doesn’t display any text or affect the part numbering.
This command may be used in the main body of the book but will cause an error if used within an imported article.
These commands may be used in the main body of the book or within imported articles. In the main body of the book they need to be within a chapter and will be numbered according to the chapter.
If used in the main body of the book, this will switch to the book appendices. Subsequent \chapter commands will produce the appendices. If used within an imported article, it will switch to the article appendices and won’t affect the main part of the book.
This environment must be used when importing articles. Within this environment, use the following commands to import articles:
This imports an article that has already been published elsewhere. The ⟨pages⟩ argument should be the page range from the previously published version of this article. This may not necessarily be the same as the page range of the article in the book. The directory the imported file is contained in is is given by ⟨directory⟩. If the file is in the same directory as the book, use a dot. The file name is given by ⟨file⟩. The article is also given a label, specified by the optional argument. This is ⟨directory⟩/⟨file⟩ by default. The label is used as a prefix to labels in the imported articles which ensures that cross-references are unique. You can also use this label to reference the article elsewhere in the book (see §4.3.2 Cross-Referencing).
Imports an article that is being published in the book. The arguments are the same as above except that there is no page range (the page range is computed automatically).
This imports an article that hasn’t been published elsewhere. There is no page range, but the other arguments are the same as those describe above for \importpubpaper.
Example: to import a previously published paper paper1/paper1.tex and an unpublished paper paper2/paper2.tex:
The jmlrbook class column style will override the column style of the imported articles. You can use the twocolumn class option to jmlrbook, but this will make the whole book with two columns. If you only want the imported articles to be in two columns, then put \twocolumn in the jmlrpapers environment to switch on two column formatting. The effect will be localised to the end of the environment.
You can cross-reference other parts of the book using the standard \label/\ref mechanism, but if you want to reference something within an imported article, you must prefix the label with the label given when importing the article (that is, the optional argument to \importpubpaper, \importpaper or \importarticle). For example, if you want to reference a section labeled sec:results in the imported paper paper1/paper1.tex, you would need to do:
In addition to the commands described in §3.9 Cross-Referencing, the jmlrbook class also provides the following cross-referencing commands:
Reference a chapter or chapters. The argument is a comma-separated list of labels.
This displays the starting page number of the article whose label is given by ⟨label⟩. Note that this must a single label, not a list. For example:
This displays the page range of the article whose label is given by ⟨label⟩. Again, this must be a single label, not a list. This page range is unrelated to the ⟨pages⟩ argument of \importpubarticle.
This displays the short title for the article whose label is given by ⟨label⟩. Again, this must be a single label, not a list.
This displays the author list for the article whose label is given by ⟨label⟩. Again, this must be a single label, not a list.
The main body of the book’s title page is given by the command \titlebody. Within the definition of this command, you can use:
where ⟨element⟩ can be: title, volume, issue2, subtitle, logo, team, author, date, productioneditor. The ⟨pre⟩ and ⟨post⟩ arguments specify what to do before and after the element. Note that \SetTitleElement does nothing if that element hasn’t been set. For example, if \volume has been omitted or \volume{} is used, then
will do nothing (so you don’t end up with Volume :).
This does ⟨true part⟩ if ⟨element⟩ has been set otherwise it does ⟨false part⟩. For example, \postmainvolume is defined as:
This means that it will only print a colon after the volume number if the subtitle has been set.
The default definition of \titlebody is:
The combine class and hyperref package are individually both easily broken by packages that change certain internals and they don’t ordinarily work together. The jmlrbook class applies patches to the internal referencing mechanism to make them work together, but it’s a fairly fragile alliance. Some packages are known to break it, for example subfig, pdfpages and geometry. This is why the jmlr class checks for known problem packages and generates an error message to dissuade authors from using them. It’s likely that there are other packages that may cause a problem and, as they are found, they will be added to the check list. Also, it’s possible for an author to disable the package checking mechanism if they are determined to use a particular package.
In the event that an article has loaded a problem package, the editors will have to decide whether to ask the author to change the article so that it doesn’t cause a problem or to make the changes themselves or to find a way of fudging things to get it to work. It depends on the level of LATEX expertise amongst the editors and the time available.
Another problem that can arise is when different articles use packages that conflict. For example, one article uses package foo and another uses package bar. Each article compiles okay as a stand-alone article, but when combined foo and bar conflict. Another problem may occur when articles load the same package but with conflicting package options. To reduce the chance of this occurring, the jmlr class loads some commonly used packages. For example, it loads the algorithm2e package with the algo2e and ruled options and provides the algorithm environment in addition to algorithm2e’s algorithm2e environment. Different versions of the same package can also be a problem. To help counteract the problem caused by different papers using different versions of the algorithm2e package, jmlrbook defines most of the old style commands if they don’t exist.
Articles that use different input encodings can also cause a problem. For example, if one article uses utf8 and another uses latin1. If the authors have directly entered a diacritic or ligature, such as é or æ, instead of using a LATEX command, such as \’e or \ae, then this will cause an error on compiling the book.3 The choice then is to either change all non-keyboard characters with the appropriate LATEX commands or to use the \inputencoding command, supplied by the inputenc package, to switch the encoding at the start of each article.
Authors who use \nonumber within an equation environment can mess up the hyperlinks. Remove \nonumber and change the equation environment to \[ … \] (or just make it a numbered equation).
If the article changes the graphics path using \graphicspath, jmlrbook won’t find the graphics if the imported articles aren’t in the same directory as the book.
The makejmlrbook Perl script is designed to make it easier to produce the print and online versions of the book, as well as producing an HTML index of all the imported articles with links to the abstracts and PDFs of individual articles. Note that for it to work properly, the articles must be imported using \importarticle, \importpaper or \importpubpaper, and the imported articles must use the jmlr class. Note that I have only tested makejmlrbook on Linux.
On UNIX style systems, the script can be invoked from a terminal using:
makejmlrbook [⟨options⟩] ⟨filename⟩
perl makejmlrbook [⟨options⟩] ⟨filename⟩
This will create the files proceedings-print.pdf (the print version) and proceedings-online.pdf (the online version). It will also create a directory (folder) called html in which the HTML files and individual article PDFs will be placed.
The options to makejmlrbook are as follows:
There are also some more advanced options, but these haven’t been fully tested:
abstract (environment) 2
\acks 3
\addr 4
\addtocpart 5
algorithm (environment) 6, 7
algorithm2e (environment) 8, 9
algorithm2e package 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
\algorithmref 16
align (environment) 17, 18, 19
align* (environment) 20
altdescription (environment) 21
amsmath package 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
amssymb package 27
\AND 28
\and 29
\appendix 30, 31
\appendixref 32
\articleauthorref 33
\articlepageref 34
\articlepagesref 35
\articletitleref 36
\Author 37
\author 38, 39
authorsignoff (environment) 40
axiom (environment) 41
\axiomref 42
\bibliography 43
\caption 44
\chapter 45
\chapterref 46
\citep 47
\citet 48
class options:
10pt 49
11pt 50
12pt 51
7x10 52
color 53, 54
gray 55, 56, 57
letterpaper 58
nowcp 59, 60
onecolumn 61
prehyperref 62, 63, 64
bottom 65, 66
top 67, 68
twocolumn 69, 70
wcp 71, 72, 73
combine class 74, 75, 76, 77
combnat package 78
conjecture (environment) 79
\conjectureref 80
corollary (environment) 81
\corollaryref 82
\DeclareMathOperator 83
\DeclareMathOperator* 84
definition (environment) 85
\definitionref 86
description (environment) 87
\Editor 88, 89
\editor 90
\editors 91
\Email 92
enumerate (environment) 93, 94
enumerate* (environment) 95
abstract 96
algorithm 97, 98
algorithm2e 99, 100
align 101, 102, 103
align* 104
altdescription 105
authorsignoff 106
axiom 107
conjecture 108
corollary 109
definition 110
description 111
enumerate 112, 113
enumerate* 114
equation 115, 116
example 117
jmlrpapers 118, 119
keywords 120
lemma 121
preface 122, 123, 124, 125
proof 126
proposition 127
remark 128
signoff 129, 130, 131, 132
split 133
table 134, 135, 136, 137
theorem 138
epsfig package 139, 140
equation (environment) 141, 142
\equationref 143
example (environment) 144
\exampleref 145
\figureref 146
fink package 147
\floatconts 148, 149, 150, 151, 152
\frontmatter 153
\gdef 154
geometry package 155, 156
\global 157
graphicx package 158, 159
hyperref package 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166
\ifprint 167
\IfTitleElement 168
\importarticle 169
\importpaper 170, 171
\importpubarticle 172
\importpubpaper 173, 174
\includegraphics 175, 176, 177
\includeteximage 178
inputenc package 179
\intertext 180
\issue 181
jmlr2e package 182, 183, 184, 185
jmlrbook package 186
\jmlrnowcp 187
jmlrpapers (environment) 188, 189
\jmlrproceedings 190
\jmlrpublished 191
\jmlrsubmitted 192
\jmlrvolume 193
\jmlrwcp 194
jmlrwcp2e package 195, 196, 197, 198
\jmlrworkshop 199
\jmlryear 200
keywords (environment) 201
\label 202, 203
lemma (environment) 204
\lemmaref 205
\logo 206
\mailto 207
\mainmatter 208
makejmlrbook 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218
\maketitle 219, 220
\Name 221
nameref package 222
natbib package 223, 224, 225
\newcommand 226
\newenvironment 227
\operatorname 228
\operatorname* 229
\paragraph 230
\part 231
pdfpages package 232, 233, 234
preface (environment) 235, 236, 237, 238
\prefacename 239
\productioneditor 240
proof (environment) 241
proposition (environment) 242
psfig package 243
remark (environment) 244
\remarkref 245
\renewcommand 246
\renewenvironment 247
scrartcl class 248
\section 249, 250
\section* 251
\sectionref 252
\set 253
setspace package 254
\SetTitleElement 255
signoff (environment) 256, 257, 258, 259
siunitx package 260
split (environment) 261
subfig package 262, 263, 264, 265
\subfigref 266
\subfigure 267
\subparagraph 268
\subsection 269, 270
\subsection* 271
\subsubsection 272, 273
\subsubsection* 274
\subtable 275
\subtabref 276
\subtitle 277
\sum 278
table (environment) 279, 280, 281, 282
\tableofcontents 283
\tableref 284
\team 285
\text 286
theorem (environment) 287
theorem package 288
\theoremref 289
tikz package 290
\title 291, 292
\titlebody 293
\twocolumn 294
\volume 297
1Currently jmlr will check if subfig, pdfpages, geometry, psfig, epsfig and theorem are loaded and will throw an error. If other packages are found to be a problem, they will be added to the list.
2The default title page layout doesn’t use issue, but if required it can be set with \issue{⟨number⟩}
3and may also cause a problem for the editor’s text editor.