Interface EZBinC

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EZBinCImpl, EZDistributionCImpl

public interface EZBinC
extends SwarmObjectC, SwarmObjectS, GUICompositeC, GUICompositeS

An easy to use histogram interface.. This class allows the user to easily histogram data generated by a collection of objects. In addition the class will generate some standard statistics over the resulting dataset.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object setAxisLabelsX$Y(java.lang.String xl, java.lang.String yl)
          The setAxisLabels:X:Y method sets the horizontal and vertical labels on the histogram in the graphical version of EZBin.
 java.lang.Object setBinCount(int theBinCount)
          The setBinCount method sets the number of bins the histogram will have.
 java.lang.Object setCollection(java.lang.Object aCollection)
          The setCollection method sets the collection of target objects which will be requested to generate the dataset for the histogram.
 java.lang.Object setColors$count(java.lang.String[] colors, int count)
          Set a custom vector of colors for the histogram bars
 java.lang.Object setFileName(java.lang.String fileName)
          The setFileName method sets the name used for disk file data output.
 java.lang.Object setFileOutput(boolean state)
          The setFileOutput method sets the state of file I/O.
 java.lang.Object setGraphics(boolean state)
          The setGraphics method sets the state of the display.
 java.lang.Object setLowerBound(double theMin)
          The setLowerBound method sets the inclusive lower bound on the histogram range.
 java.lang.Object setMonoColorBars(boolean mcb)
          The setMonoColorBars method specifies whether all bars should be shown in a single color (blue).
 java.lang.Object setProbedSelector(Selector aSel)
          The setProbedSelector method sets the selector that will be applied to the objects in the specified collection in order to generate the dataset (inherited from MessageProbe.)
 java.lang.Object setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          The setTitle method uses a title string to label a graph window in the graphical version of EZBin.
 java.lang.Object setUpperBound(double theMax)
          The setUpperBound method sets the non-inclusive upper bound on the histogram range.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.simtoolsgui.CompositeWindowGeometryRecordNameC
Methods inherited from interface swarm.simtoolsgui.WindowGeometryRecordNameC
setSaveSizeFlag, setWindowGeometryRecordName

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object setGraphics(boolean state)
The setGraphics method sets the state of the display. Set the state to 0 if a graphical display of the graph is not required. The default state is 1 meaning that by default the data appears graphically in a window.


public java.lang.Object setCollection(java.lang.Object aCollection)
The setCollection method sets the collection of target objects which will be requested to generate the dataset for the histogram.


public java.lang.Object setProbedSelector(Selector aSel)
The setProbedSelector method sets the selector that will be applied to the objects in the specified collection in order to generate the dataset (inherited from MessageProbe.)


public java.lang.Object setFileOutput(boolean state)
The setFileOutput method sets the state of file I/O. Set the state to 1 if data for the sequences is to be sent to a file. The default state is 0 meaning that by default no file I/O is carried out by the EZBin class.


public java.lang.Object setTitle(java.lang.String title)
The setTitle method uses a title string to label a graph window in the graphical version of EZBin. The label appears at the top of the graph window. (Only relevant if the state of setGraphics is set to 1.)


public java.lang.Object setFileName(java.lang.String fileName)
The setFileName method sets the name used for disk file data output. (Only relevant if the state of seFileOutput is set to 1.) If not set, the filename defaults to be the same as the graph title.


public java.lang.Object setAxisLabelsX$Y(java.lang.String xl,
                                         java.lang.String yl)
The setAxisLabels:X:Y method sets the horizontal and vertical labels on the histogram in the graphical version of EZBin. (Only relevant if the state of setGraphics is set to 1.)


public java.lang.Object setMonoColorBars(boolean mcb)
The setMonoColorBars method specifies whether all bars should be shown in a single color (blue). The default is differently colored bars.


public java.lang.Object setBinCount(int theBinCount)
The setBinCount method sets the number of bins the histogram will have.


public java.lang.Object setLowerBound(double theMin)
The setLowerBound method sets the inclusive lower bound on the histogram range.


public java.lang.Object setUpperBound(double theMax)
The setUpperBound method sets the non-inclusive upper bound on the histogram range.


public java.lang.Object setColors$count(java.lang.String[] colors,
                                        int count)
Set a custom vector of colors for the histogram bars