Class EZGraphCImpl


public class EZGraphCImpl
extends PhaseCImpl
implements SwarmObjectC, SwarmObjectS, GUICompositeC, GUICompositeS, EZGraphS, EZGraphC

A class for easily create graphs.. This class allows the user to easily create graphs of various quantities in the model s/he is investigating. The user first creates the EZGraph, and then creates "Sequences"; (lines) which will appear in the graph. The sequences are generated based on data provided by a single object or a collection of target objects, in reponse to a specified selector. One of the features of the EZGraph is that it will automatically generate average, total, min, max and count sequences without the user having to mess with Averagers amd other low-level classes.

Fields inherited from class swarm.PhaseCImpl
Constructor Summary
EZGraphCImpl(EZGraph nextPhase)
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.analysis.EZGraphC
create$setFileName, create$setFileOutput, create$setHDF5Container$setPrefix, create$setTitle$setAxisLabelsX$Y$setWindowGeometryRecordName, create$setTitle$setAxisLabelsX$Y$setWindowGeometryRecordName$setSaveSizeFlag, setAxisLabelsX$Y, setColors$count, setFileName, setFileOutput, setGraphics, setHDF5Container, setTitle
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.simtoolsgui.CompositeWindowGeometryRecordNameC
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.simtoolsgui.WindowGeometryRecordNameC
setSaveSizeFlag, setWindowGeometryRecordName
Methods inherited from class swarm.PhaseCImpl
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EZGraphCImpl(EZGraph nextPhase)


public EZGraphCImpl()