Interface ListShufflerC

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ListShufflerC
extends CreateC, CreateS, DropC, DropS

A class to randomize the order of a given Swarm List. ListShuffler randomizes the order of the elements in a List; either the whole list or the num lowest elements. The list must be supplied. An uniform distribution can be supplied, or the system- supplied uniformUnsRand is used. The algorithm is from Knuth. All these methods modify the underlying collection, so any indexes should always be regenerated.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object create$setUniformRandom(Zone aZone, java.lang.Object dist)
          The create:setUniformRandom method creates the Shuffler and connects the supplied distribution object.
 java.lang.Object setUniformRandom(java.lang.Object dist)
          the setUniformRandom: method connects the supplied uniform distribution to the Shuffler (run after createBegin:).
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object setUniformRandom(java.lang.Object dist)
the setUniformRandom: method connects the supplied uniform distribution to the Shuffler (run after createBegin:).


public java.lang.Object create$setUniformRandom(Zone aZone,
                                                java.lang.Object dist)
The create:setUniformRandom method creates the Shuffler and connects the supplied distribution object.