Interface HDF5Archiver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HDF5Archiver
extends Archiver, ArchiverS

Protocol for creating HDF5 instances of the Archiver. Protocol for creating HDF5 instances of the Archiver Default system path is ~/swarmArchiver.hdf Default application path is //.hdf or the current directory.

Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.Archiver
getObject, getWithZone$key, putDeep$object, putShallow$object, registerClient, sync, unregisterClient
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.Drop
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.DefinedObject
compare, describe, describeID, getDisplayName, getTypeName, getZone, perform, perform$with, perform$with$with, perform$with$with$with, respondsTo, setDisplayName, xfprint, xfprintid, xprint, xprintid
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.GetName