Interface Warning

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
WarningImpl, ErrorImpl

public interface Warning
extends EventType, EventTypeS

A condition of possible concern to a program developer.. A condition of possible concern to a program developer.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getMessageString()
          Return the message associated with this warning.
 void setMessageString(java.lang.String messageString)
          Associate a message string with this warning.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.EventType
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.DefinedObject
compare, describe, describeID, getDisplayName, getTypeName, getZone, perform, perform$with, perform$with$with, perform$with$with$with, respondsTo, setDisplayName, xfprint, xfprintid, xprint, xprintid

Method Detail


public void setMessageString(java.lang.String messageString)
Associate a message string with this warning.


public java.lang.String getMessageString()
Return the message associated with this warning.