Interface MessageProbeS

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActiveGraph, ActiveGraphC, ActiveGraphS, ActiveOutFile, ActiveOutFileC, ActiveOutFileS, Averager, AveragerC, AveragerS, Entropy, EntropyC, EntropyS
All Known Implementing Classes:
MessageProbeCImpl, MessageProbeImpl, ActiveGraphCImpl, ActiveOutFileCImpl, AveragerImpl, EntropyCImpl, ActiveOutFileImpl, EntropyImpl, ActiveGraphImpl, AveragerCImpl

public interface MessageProbeS
extends ProbeS

A class that allows the user to call a given message on any candidate that is an instance of, or inherits from, a given class.. This is a specialized subclass of the abstract class Probe. It completes the specification of a probe that refers to a message element of an object.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object setHideResult(boolean val)
          The setHideResult: method is used to set the visibility of the result field.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.objectbase.ProbeS
setSafety, unsetSafety

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object setHideResult(boolean val)
The setHideResult: method is used to set the visibility of the result field. When set to 1, the user is indicating that the result field in a graphical representation of the message probe should not be shown.