Interface CommonGenerator

All Known Subinterfaces:
BasicRandomGenerator, C2TAUS1gen, C2TAUS2gen, C2TAUS3gen, C2TAUSgen, MT19937gen, PMMLCG1gen, PMMLCGgen, PSWBgen, SimpleRandomGenerator, SplitRandomGenerator

public interface CommonGenerator


Method Summary
 boolean getAntithetic()
          The getAntithetic method returns the current values of the parameter.
 int getInitialSeed()
          The getInitialSeed method returns the value of the generator's starting seed.
 int getMaxSeedValue()
          The getMaxSeedValue method returns the upper limit on the seed value that can be supplied.
 int getUnsignedMax()
          The getUnsignedMax method returns the highest value that will ever be returned by -getUnsignedSample (the lowest is 0).
 int lengthOfSeedVector()
          The lengthOfSeedVector method returns the number of seeds required if you wish to set the state directly.
 java.lang.Object reset()
          The -reset method sets the generator back to the state it had at start or at the last use of -setStateFromSeed(s).

Method Detail


public boolean getAntithetic()
The getAntithetic method returns the current values of the parameter.


public int getMaxSeedValue()
The getMaxSeedValue method returns the upper limit on the seed value that can be supplied.


public int getInitialSeed()
The getInitialSeed method returns the value of the generator's starting seed.


public int lengthOfSeedVector()
The lengthOfSeedVector method returns the number of seeds required if you wish to set the state directly.


public java.lang.Object reset()
The -reset method sets the generator back to the state it had at start or at the last use of -setStateFromSeed(s). CurrentCount is zeroed.


public int getUnsignedMax()
The getUnsignedMax method returns the highest value that will ever be returned by -getUnsignedSample (the lowest is 0).