Interface SplitGenerator

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SplitGenerator


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object advanceAll()
          The advanceAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of their next segment.
 java.lang.Object advanceGenerator(int vGen)
          The advanceGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the next segment.
 long getCurrentCount(int vGen)
          The getCurrentCount method returns the current count of the specified virtual generator (i.e.
 long getCurrentSegment(int vGen)
          The getCurrentSegment method returns the number of the current segment of the specified virtual generator.
 double getDoubleSample(int vGen)
          The getDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen.
 float getFloatSample(int vGen)
          The getFloatSample method returns a random floating-point number of size float, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen.
 int getNumGenerators()
          The getNumGenerators method returns the current number of virtual generators (A).
 int getNumSegments()
          The getNumSegments method returns log2(the current number of segments) = v.
 int getSegmentLength()
          The getSegmentLength method returns log2(the current segment length) = w.
 double getThinDoubleSample(int vGen)
          The getThinDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen.
 int getUnsignedSample(int vGen)
          The getUnsignedSample method returns a random unsigned integer uniformly distributed over the interval [0,unsignedMax] from virtual generator (data stream) vGen.
 java.lang.Object jumpAllToSegment(long seg)
          The jumpAlltoSegment: method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of the specified segment.
 java.lang.Object jumpGenerator$toSegment(int vGen, long seg)
          The jumpGenerator:toSegment: method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the specified segment.
 java.lang.Object restartAll()
          The restartAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of their current segment.
 java.lang.Object restartGenerator(int vGen)
          The restartGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the current segment.

Method Detail


public int getNumGenerators()
The getNumGenerators method returns the current number of virtual generators (A).


public int getNumSegments()
The getNumSegments method returns log2(the current number of segments) = v.


public int getSegmentLength()
The getSegmentLength method returns log2(the current segment length) = w.


public java.lang.Object restartGenerator(int vGen)
The restartGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the current segment.


public java.lang.Object advanceGenerator(int vGen)
The advanceGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the next segment.


public java.lang.Object jumpGenerator$toSegment(int vGen,
                                                long seg)
The jumpGenerator:toSegment: method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the specified segment.


public java.lang.Object restartAll()
The restartAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of their current segment.


public java.lang.Object advanceAll()
The advanceAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of their next segment.


public java.lang.Object jumpAllToSegment(long seg)
The jumpAlltoSegment: method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of the specified segment.


public int getUnsignedSample(int vGen)
The getUnsignedSample method returns a random unsigned integer uniformly distributed over the interval [0,unsignedMax] from virtual generator (data stream) vGen.


public float getFloatSample(int vGen)
The getFloatSample method returns a random floating-point number of size float, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 1 call to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa.


public double getThinDoubleSample(int vGen)
The getThinDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 1 call to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa.


public double getDoubleSample(int vGen)
The getDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 2 calls to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa.


public long getCurrentSegment(int vGen)
The getCurrentSegment method returns the number of the current segment of the specified virtual generator.


public long getCurrentCount(int vGen)
The getCurrentCount method returns the current count of the specified virtual generator (i.e. the number of variates delivered).