Interface Diffuse2dS

All Known Implementing Classes:
Diffuse2dCImpl, Diffuse2dImpl

public interface Diffuse2dS
extends Ca2dS

2d difussion with evaporation.. Discrete 2nd order approximation to 2d diffusion with evaporation. Math is done in integers on the range [0,0x7fff].

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object setDiffusionConstant(double d)
          Set the diffusion constant.
 java.lang.Object setEvaporationRate(double e)
          Set the evaporation rate.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.space.Discrete2dS

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object setDiffusionConstant(double d)
Set the diffusion constant. Values over 1.0 might not be valid.


public java.lang.Object setEvaporationRate(double e)
Set the evaporation rate. Values over 1.0 don't make much sense