Interface Grid2d

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Grid2d
extends Discrete2d, Discrete2dS

A 2d container class for agents.. Grid2d is a generic container class to represent agent position on a 2d lattice. It gets most of its behaviour from Discrete2d, adding extra code to check that you don't overwrite things by accident. Grid2d is pretty primitive: only one object can be stored at a site, no boundary conditions are implied, etc.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object putObject$atX$Y(java.lang.Object anObject, int x, int y)
          Replaces the Discrete2d method.
 java.lang.Object setOverwriteWarnings(boolean b)
          If set to true, then if you try to store something at a site that doesn't have 0x0 there, a warning will be generated.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.space.Discrete2d
copyDiscrete2d$toDiscrete2d, fastFillWithObject, fastFillWithValue, fillWithObject, fillWithValue, putValue$atX$Y, setDiscrete2d$toFile
Methods inherited from interface swarm.space.Discrete2dS
Methods inherited from interface swarm.objectbase.SwarmObject
getCompleteProbeMap, getProbeForMessage, getProbeForVariable, getProbeMap
Methods inherited from interface swarm.space.GridData
getObjectAtX$Y, getSizeX, getSizeY, getValueAtX$Y
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.Drop
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.DefinedObject
compare, describe, describeID, getDisplayName, getTypeName, getZone, perform, perform$with, perform$with$with, perform$with$with$with, respondsTo, setDisplayName, xfprint, xfprintid, xprint, xprintid
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.GetName

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object putObject$atX$Y(java.lang.Object anObject,
                                        int x,
                                        int y)
Replaces the Discrete2d method. First check to see if it should do overwrite warnings, and if so if you're going to overwrite: if both conditions are true, print out a warning message. Regardless of the check, it writes the new object in.
Specified by:
putObject$atX$Y in interface Discrete2d


public java.lang.Object setOverwriteWarnings(boolean b)
If set to true, then if you try to store something at a site that doesn't have 0x0 there, a warning will be generated.