Doctor Fun presents Blobs, Page Five

Each cartoon is a 640x480 pixel, greyscale GIF.

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"Well, what good is this?"

Trapped with Ethel in the vacuole of the giant amoeba, Stanley decides to make his move.

Morty always got big laughs with his rubber virus.

"All I know is, it just split in two and took the other seat!"

"Here are the little buggers that were clogging up your drain."

"Billy! Don't slouch - sit up straight! And get your pseudopods off the table!"

The heartbreak of mitosis

"Let's make an amoeba as big as a house - what a neat idea!"

Joe was the life of the party with his Gumby imitation.

"And here's Freddy when he was- Wait, that one's upside-down, too."

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