Science Fair, Elementary Division, Page Three
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"Electric Venus Flyzapper"
"A working model of the Alaskan Pipeline"
"Turpentine + milk = the Wonder Drink"
"A sure cure for warts?"
"What would we look like on Jupiter?"
"Fly colony"
"Dropping small electrical appliances in the bathtub"
"What do different bugs look like after being stomped on?"
"Mold garden"
"Life cycle of a jellybean"
"The living mulch pile"
"Defense reaction in hornets"
"The effect of sunlight on vampires"
"Do goldfish need glasses?"
"Why do we go to the bathroom?"
"Do vegetables feel pain?"
"Dead proof of extra-terrestrial intelligence"
"The effect of different colored lights on rocks"
"Why is flypaper sticky?"
"Will snowballs with rocks inside them really put people's eyes out?"
"Volcano and Solar System Division"
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These pages maintained, and contents copyrighted, by David Farley,