Science Fair, Junior Division, Page Four
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"Which concrete makes the best shoe?"
"Do kittens really explode in microwave ovens?"
"A home made dialysis machine"
"Can pigeons learn to tell time?"
"Which capital punishment do people think is grossest?"
"An experiment in animating the dead"
"How far can a model rocket carry a live hand grenade?"
"Which allergy causes the biggest boogers?"
"Preserving fruit with taxidermy"
"Electric bird lamp"
"Snowmen of North America"
"Mass mice power - the energy alternative"
"The effects of yardsales on moms"
"The wonderful world of mummification"
"Can small animal sacrifices affect the weather?"
"The effects of steroids on worms"
"Do parakeets learn swear words faster than other words?"
"Feeding response to bells in barnacles"
"An analysis of gum found under the table of Al's diner"
"The effect of dope on dopes"
"Mystery of the Finklestein Triangle"
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