Interface List

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface List
extends Collection, CollectionS, Serialization, SerializationS

Collection of members in an externally assigned linear sequence.. A list is a collection of members that are all maintained at some externally assigned position in a linear sequence of all members. The sequence is established by the position at which members are added: members can be added at the start of list, at the end, or at any point in the middle. A list is also one of the most dynamic of basic collections, in that the cost of adding and removing members is very low. Members can be removed from any position just as easily as they can be added. A list automatically grows and shrinks to reflect the number of members at any one time, and there is no fixed capacity which limits the size to which a list may grow. The List type is supports all messages of Collection. If created with default options, it provides no special speedup of accesses by integer offset.

Method Summary
 void addFirst(java.lang.Object anObject)
          The addFirst: message adds a new member to the front of the list.
 void addLast(java.lang.Object anObject)
          The addLast: message adds a new member to the end of the list.
 ListIndex listBegin(Zone aZone)
          Returns a ListIndex, the special index for the List type
 java.lang.Object removeFirst()
          Removes the first member from the list and returns it.
 java.lang.Object removeLast()
          Removes the last member from the list and returns it.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.collections.Collection
allSameClass, begin, beginPermuted, contains, copy, deleteAll, getCount, getReplaceOnly, remove, removeAll
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.Serialization
hdf5OutDeep, hdf5OutShallow, lispOutDeep, lispOutShallow, lispOutVars$deep, lispSaveStream$Boolean$Value, lispSaveStream$Char$Value, lispSaveStream$Double$Value, lispSaveStream$Float$Value, lispSaveStream$Integer$Value, lispSaveStream$Long$Value, lispSaveStream$LongLong$Value, lispSaveStream$Short$Value, lispSaveStream$Unsigned$Value, lispSaveStream$UnsignedLong$Value, lispSaveStream$UnsignedLongLong$Value, lispSaveStream$UnsignedShort$Value, updateArchiver
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.SerializationS
hdf5In, lispIn
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.Drop
Methods inherited from interface swarm.collections.Offsets
atOffset, atOffset$put, getFirst, getLast
Methods inherited from interface swarm.collections.ForEach
describeForEach, describeForEachID, forEach, forEach, forEach, forEach
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.DefinedObject
compare, describe, describeID, getDisplayName, getTypeName, getZone, perform, perform$with, perform$with$with, perform$with$with$with, respondsTo, setDisplayName, xfprint, xfprintid, xprint, xprintid
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.GetName

Method Detail


public void addFirst(java.lang.Object anObject)
The addFirst: message adds a new member to the front of the list.


public void addLast(java.lang.Object anObject)
The addLast: message adds a new member to the end of the list.


public java.lang.Object removeFirst()
Removes the first member from the list and returns it.


public java.lang.Object removeLast()
Removes the last member from the list and returns it.


public ListIndex listBegin(Zone aZone)
Returns a ListIndex, the special index for the List type