Interface SerializationS

All Known Subinterfaces:
Array, ArrayC, ArrayS, ConcurrentSchedule, ConcurrentScheduleC, ConcurrentScheduleS, List, ListC, ListS, Map, MapC, MapS, Permutation, PermutationC, PermutationS, Schedule, ScheduleC, ScheduleS
All Known Implementing Classes:
ListImpl, MapImpl, ArrayImpl, ArrayCImpl, MapCImpl, ListCImpl

public interface SerializationS

Object serialization protocol.. Object serialization protocol.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object hdf5In(HDF5 hdf5Obj)
          Load instance variables from an HDF5 object.
 java.lang.Object lispIn(java.lang.Object expr)
          Process an archived Lisp representation of object state from a list of instance variable name / value pairs.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object lispIn(java.lang.Object expr)
Process an archived Lisp representation of object state from a list of instance variable name / value pairs.


public java.lang.Object hdf5In(HDF5 hdf5Obj)
Load instance variables from an HDF5 object.