Class PermutationCImpl


public class PermutationCImpl
extends PhaseCImpl
implements CollectionC, CollectionS, CreateC, CreateS, ArrayC, ArrayS, PermutationS, PermutationC

A class that represents a permutation of elements of a collection. Permutation is used to generate a permutation of elements of a a collection and store them in an array for fast access. Permutation only mirrors the original collection. Updates of contents of Permutation will not reflect on the original collection.

Fields inherited from class swarm.PhaseCImpl
Constructor Summary
PermutationCImpl(Permutation nextPhase)
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.collections.CollectionC
setIndexFromMemberLoc, setReplaceOnly
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.collections.ArrayC
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.collections.ArrayS
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.collections.PermutationC
setCollection, setLastPermutation, setUniformRandom
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.SetInitialValueC
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.collections.DefaultMemberS
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.SerializationC
hdf5InCreate, lispInCreate
Methods implemented by this class for interface swarm.defobj.SerializationS
hdf5In, lispIn
Methods inherited from class swarm.PhaseCImpl
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PermutationCImpl(Permutation nextPhase)


public PermutationCImpl()