Interface WidgetC

All Known Subinterfaces:
ArchivedGeometryWidgetC, CanvasC, GraphC, HistogramC, RasterC, ZoomRasterC

public interface WidgetC
extends CreateC, CreateS, DropC, DropS

Widget base class.. All graphical widgets inherit from the Widget base class. Widget defines most of the behaviour needed: Widgets are created by the user with a particular parent, and then "pack"ed in order to draw them on the screen. All widgets have three essential things: a widget name used when running Tcl code, an Objective C name when sending messages from Tcl to those objects, and a parent.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object createParent(java.lang.Object parent)
          When a widget is created it needs to be given a parent.
 java.lang.String makeWidgetNameFor(java.lang.Object widget)
          Compute the widget name for a component widget.
 java.lang.Object setParent(java.lang.Object parent)
          Set the containing window of the widget.
 java.lang.Object setWidgetNameFromParent(Widget parent)
          Set the widget name using the parent as context.
 java.lang.Object setWidgetNameFromParentName(java.lang.String parentWidgetName)
          Set the widget name using a hypothetical parent name.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object createParent(java.lang.Object parent)
When a widget is created it needs to be given a parent. The parent widget will be the widget's containing window. If no parent is given (ie, a parent of nil), then a toplevel Frame will be allocated automatically


public java.lang.Object setParent(java.lang.Object parent)
Set the containing window of the widget.


public java.lang.String makeWidgetNameFor(java.lang.Object widget)
Compute the widget name for a component widget.


public java.lang.Object setWidgetNameFromParent(Widget parent)
Set the widget name using the parent as context.


public java.lang.Object setWidgetNameFromParentName(java.lang.String parentWidgetName)
Set the widget name using a hypothetical parent name.