Interface WidgetS

All Known Subinterfaces:
ArchivedGeometryWidget, ArchivedGeometryWidgetC, ArchivedGeometryWidgetS, Canvas, CanvasC, CanvasS, Graph, GraphC, GraphS, Histogram, HistogramC, HistogramS, Raster, RasterC, RasterS, ZoomRaster, ZoomRasterC, ZoomRasterS

public interface WidgetS
extends CreateS, DropS

Widget base class.. All graphical widgets inherit from the Widget base class. Widget defines most of the behaviour needed: Widgets are created by the user with a particular parent, and then "pack"ed in order to draw them on the screen. All widgets have three essential things: a widget name used when running Tcl code, an Objective C name when sending messages from Tcl to those objects, and a parent.