Interface GammaDistC

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GammaDistC
extends DoubleDistributionC, DoubleDistributionS

Gamma distribution. A well-known continuous probability distribution returning doubles

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object create$setGenerator$setAlpha$setBeta(Zone aZone, SimpleRandomGenerator simpleGenerator, double alpha, double beta)
          Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one:
 java.lang.Object create$setGenerator$setVirtualGenerator$setAlpha$setBeta(Zone aZone, SplitRandomGenerator splitGenerator, int vGen, double alpha, double beta)
          Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one:
Methods inherited from interface swarm.random.ProbabilityDistributionC
create$setGenerator, create$setGenerator$setVirtualGenerator, createWithDefaults
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object create$setGenerator$setAlpha$setBeta(Zone aZone,
                                                             SimpleRandomGenerator simpleGenerator,
                                                             double alpha,
                                                             double beta)
Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one:


public java.lang.Object create$setGenerator$setVirtualGenerator$setAlpha$setBeta(Zone aZone,
                                                                                 SplitRandomGenerator splitGenerator,
                                                                                 int vGen,
                                                                                 double alpha,
                                                                                 double beta)
Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one: