Interface ProbabilityDistributionC

All Known Subinterfaces:
BernoulliDistC, BinomialDistC, BooleanDistributionC, DoubleDistributionC, ExponentialDistC, GammaDistC, IntegerDistributionC, LogNormalDistC, NormalC, NormalDistC, PoissonDistC, RandomBitDistC, UniformDoubleDistC, UniformIntegerDistC, UniformUnsignedDistC, UnsignedDistributionC

public interface ProbabilityDistributionC
extends SwarmObjectC, SwarmObjectS, InternalStateC, InternalStateS

Probability Distribution. A process for generating a sequence of random numbers matching the frequencies defined by a specific distribution function. The process is driven by input from a supplied uniform random generator.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object create$setGenerator(Zone aZone, SimpleRandomGenerator simpleGenerator)
          Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one:
 java.lang.Object create$setGenerator$setVirtualGenerator(Zone aZone, SplitRandomGenerator splitGenerator, int vGen)
          Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one:
 java.lang.Object createWithDefaults(Zone aZone)
          The createWithDefaults method creates a distribution object with a default set of seeds and parameters, and its own private generator.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CreateC
create, createBegin, createEnd
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.CustomizeC
customizeBegin, customizeCopy, customizeEnd

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object createWithDefaults(Zone aZone)
The createWithDefaults method creates a distribution object with a default set of seeds and parameters, and its own private generator.


public java.lang.Object create$setGenerator(Zone aZone,
                                            SimpleRandomGenerator simpleGenerator)
Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one:


public java.lang.Object create$setGenerator$setVirtualGenerator(Zone aZone,
                                                                SplitRandomGenerator splitGenerator,
                                                                int vGen)
Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one: