Interface InternalState

All Known Subinterfaces:
BasicRandomGenerator, BernoulliDist, BinomialDist, BooleanDistribution, C2TAUS1gen, C2TAUS2gen, C2TAUS3gen, C2TAUSgen, DoubleDistribution, ExponentialDist, GammaDist, IntegerDistribution, LogNormalDist, MT19937gen, Normal, NormalDist, PMMLCG1gen, PMMLCGgen, PoissonDist, ProbabilityDistribution, PSWBgen, RandomBitDist, SimpleRandomGenerator, SplitRandomGenerator, UniformDoubleDist, UniformIntegerDist, UniformUnsignedDist, UnsignedDistribution

public interface InternalState

Archiving routines for internal generator and distribution state.. Methods to save the internal state of an object (generator, distribution) to a memory buffer allocated by the calling program, and to set the state of an object from previously saved state data, provided in a memory buffer. NOTE: the putStateInto/setStateFrom methods are NOT portable across architectures, since they store integers and doubles using different byte orders. A portable storage method may be provided in the next release.

Method Summary
 int getMagic()
 int getStateSize()
          Specifies the minimum buffer size needed.

Method Detail


public int getStateSize()
Specifies the minimum buffer size needed.


public int getMagic()