Interface RandomBitDist

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RandomBitDist
extends BooleanDistribution, BooleanDistributionS

Random Bit Distribution . A generator that returns uniformly distributed single bit values (i.e. fair coin tosses).

Method Summary
 boolean getCoinToss()
          The getCoinToss method returns a YES or NO value.
Methods inherited from interface swarm.random.BooleanDistribution
getBooleanSample, getIntegerSample
Methods inherited from interface swarm.random.ProbabilityDistribution
getCurrentCount, getGenerator, getOptionsInitialized, getVirtualGenerator
Methods inherited from interface swarm.objectbase.SwarmObject
getCompleteProbeMap, getProbeForMessage, getProbeForVariable, getProbeMap
Methods inherited from interface swarm.random.InternalState
getMagic, getStateSize
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.Drop
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.DefinedObject
compare, describe, describeID, getDisplayName, getTypeName, getZone, perform, perform$with, perform$with$with, perform$with$with$with, respondsTo, setDisplayName, xfprint, xfprintid, xprint, xprintid
Methods inherited from interface swarm.defobj.GetName

Method Detail


public boolean getCoinToss()
The getCoinToss method returns a YES or NO value.